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    Title: 中國與中東歐國家合作——波蘭個案研究 (2012-2021) : 有效的夥伴關係還是不平等合作方式?
    The Cooperation between China and Central Eastern Europe - the Case of Poland (2012-2021): Effective Partnership or Unequal Framework?
    Authors: 白奧蘭
    Bielakowska, Aleksandra Katarzyna
    Contributors: 湯紹成
    Tang, Shao-Cheng
    Bielakowska, Aleksandra Katarzyna
    Keywords: 波蘭
    Sino-Polish Relations
    Central Europe
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-08-01 18:45:16 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 中國與中東歐之間的合作模式(俗稱「16+1」)是中歐關係的組成部分,同時也是由中國率領的跨區域、機構化合作平台的重要實例。作為中東歐地區最大國家的波蘭,被認為是16+1最重要的參與者。本文旨在考察波蘭政府對此合作模式的態度演變,且希冀解答波蘭是否將16+1視為有效合作模式的問題。
    Set within the larger structure of Sino-European relations, the cooperation framework between China and the Central Eastern Europe (CEE) region, commonly known as 16+1, is an important example of an institutionalized, PRC-led transregional cooperation platform. Poland, the largest country of the CEE region, can and has been perceived as the most important European participant to this cooperation. This thesis seeks to examine the evolving attitude of the Polish government towards the 16+1 framework, and in doing so to address the question of whether Poland perceives 16+1 as an effective cooperation format.
    The investigation motivated by these questions is carried out in two essential steps. The initial step, made by the author over the first three chapters, is the introduction of the historic and geopolitical background of the 16+1 framework and the development of the framework itself. The author delineates Sino-European, Sino-CEE and Sino-Polish relations after 1989, the latter two since 2012 being inseparably interwoven with the functioning of the 16+1 framework.
    The second step, made in the fourth chapter and immediately instrumental in answering the research questions, is the qualitative analysis of the source material, composed mainly of press releases of the Polish Press Agency, obtained by the author from the Agency’s archives. The corpus of press releases is supplemented by documents of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and periodic publications by Polish Institute of International Affairs. The content analysis of the political discourse represented in these sources is hoped to shed light on the Polish government’s perception of the effectiveness of 16+1 and its overall attitude to the framework.
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    Kom, Ksi. “MSZ: w Łodzi o współpracy ekonomicznej z Chinami (komunikat)” [MoFA: in Łódź on economic cooperation with China], Polish Press Agency, 26 September 2014.

    —— “MSZ: Schetyna na uroczystości 65. rocznicy polsko-chińskich stosunków dyplomatycznych (komunikat)” [MoFA: Schetyna at the 65th anniversary of Polish-Chinese diplomatic relations], Polish Press Agency, 8 October 2014.

    Kom, Amt. “Kancelaria Sejmu: Delegacja parlamentarna z marszałek Sejmu na czele zakończyła wizytę w Chinach (komunikat)” [Chancellery of the Sejm: The parliamentary delegation headed by the Marshal of the Sejm ended its visit to China], Polish Press Agency, 9 June 2013.

    Kom, Kfk. “MSZ: o promocji polskiego biznesu w chińskiej prowincji Szantung (komunikat)” [MoFA: on the promotion of Polish business in the Chinese province of Shandong], Polish Press Agency, 30 June 2014.

    —— “MSZ: Polsko-Chiński Dialog Strategiczny (komunikat)” [MoFA: Polish-Chinese Strategic Dialogue], Polish Press Agency, 17 April 2015.

    —— “MSZ: wiceminister Katarzyna Kacperczyk na Europejskim Kongresie Gospodarczym (komunikat)” [MoFA: Deputy Minister Katarzyna Kacperczyk at the European Economic Congress], Polish Press Agency, 21 April 2015.

    Kom, Ksi. “MSZ: wizyta ministra Waszczykowskiego w Pekinie (komunikat)” [MoFA: Minister Waszczykowski`s visit to Beijing], Polish Press Agency, 26 April 2016.

    Kom, Mkz. “Gowin: Chińczycy liczą na współpracę z polskimi naukowcami m.in. w energetyce i rolnictwie (aktl.)” [Gowin: The Chinese count on cooperation with Polish scientists in the fields of energy and agriculture, among others], Polish Press Agency, 18 October 2016.

    Kom, Pd. “MSZ: polsko-chińskie konsultacje w Warszawie (komunikat)” [MoFA: Polish-Chinese consultations in Warsaw], Polish Press Agency, 27 September 2016.

    Kom, Skib, Wus. “MSZ: Wiceminister Maciej Lang na spotkaniu Narodowych Koordynatorów współpracy Europa Środkowo-Wschodnia – Chiny (komunikat)” [MoFA: Deputy Minister Maciej Lang at the meeting of National Coordinators of Central and Eastern Europe - China cooperation], Polish Press Agency, 29 October 2019.

    Kozłowska, M. “Morawiecki: Polska jest jednocześnie proamerykańska i proeuropejska (opis)” [Morawiecki: Poland is pro-American and pro-European at the same time], Polish Press Agency, 17 November 2018.

    Laz, Mrr, Par, Mow. “Tusk: Chiny i Europa Środkowa symbolami sukcesu i rozwoju (opis2)” [Tusk: China and Central Europe as symbols of success and development], Polish Press Agency, 26 April 2012.

    Laz, Wkr, Eaw, Ura. “Tusk: Polska filarem produkcyjno-usługowym Europy (krótka)” [Tusk: Poland is the production and service pillar of Europe], Polish Press Agency, 26 April 2012.

    Musiał, M. “Morawiecki: Chcemy wykorzystać potencjał Bałtyku w handlu z Chinami (opis)” [Morawiecki: We want to utilize the potential of the Baltic Sea in trade with China], Polish Press Agency, 23 November 2017.

    Manołowa, E. “Na szczycie "16+1" Chiny zapewniły o otwartości swego rynku” [At the "16 +1" summit, China declared the openness of its market], Polish Press Agency, 7 July 2018.

    Mce, Dym, Abr. “Szefowie MSZ Polski i Chin: Polska korytarzem między UE a Państwem Środka” [Foreign ministers of Poland and China: Poland as a corridor between the EU and the Middle Kingdom], Polish Press Agency, 15 October 2015.

    Mce, Tgo, Woj. “Premier: Wiążemy duże nadzieje z rozwojem współpracy gospodarczej z Chinami (krótka)” [Prime Minister: We attach high hopes to the development of economic cooperation with China], Polish Press Agency, 5 November 2016.

    Mce, Par. “Pisula o Nowym Jedwabnym Szlaku: Polska po raz pierwszy ma szansę zyskać na swoim położeniu (wideo)” [Pisula on the New Silk Road: For the first time, Poland has a chance to benefit from its location], Polish Press Agency, 11 May 2017.

    Mrr, Par, Wo. “Premierzy Tusk i Wen na Zamku Królewskim o wzmocnieniu relacji Chin z Europą (opis2)” (Prime Ministers Tusk and Wen at the Royal Castle on the strengthening of China`s relations with Europe), Polish Press Agency, 26 April 2012.

    Mmi.“Rzeczpospolita: Chińczyków u nas na lekarstwo” [Rzeczpospolita: There are hardly any Chinese here], Polish Press Agency, 18 April 2017.

    Niedziński, B. “Morawiecki w "Daily Telegraph": w kwestii 5G cała Europa musi stać razem z USA” [Morawiecki in the "Daily Telegraph": in the matter of 5G, all Europe must stand together with the USA], Polish Press Agency, 16 July, 2020.

    Nocuń, K. “Chiny/ Duda: kraje Europy Środk.-Wsch. potrafią działać razem (opis)” [China / Duda: countries of Central and Eastern Europe are able to work together], Polish Press Agency, 24 November 2015.

    —— “Prezydent Duda o partnerstwie z Chinami ws. "Jednego Pasa i Jednego Szlaku"” [President Duda on the partnership with China within "One Belt and One Road."], Polish Press Agency, 24 November 2015.

    Obremski, M. “Premier Morawiecki o konieczności większego zaangażowania USA w Inicjatywę Trójmorza (opis)” [Prime Minister Morawiecki on the necessity for a greater US involvement in the Three Seas Initiative], Polish Press Agency, 6 May 2021.

    Osiński, Ł. “Eksperci: wizyta prezydenta w Chinach w dobrym momencie; nacisk na gospodarkę" (Experts: President`s visit to China at the right time; emphasis on the economy), Polish Press Agency, 27 November 2015.

    —— “Polskie władze: propozycje przepisów ws. bezpieczeństwa 5G są zgodne z prawem UE” [Polish authorities: the proposed 5G security regulations are in line with the EU law], Polish Press Agency, 2 November, 2020.

    Oksiuta, A. “Z Warszawy odleciał największy samolot świata, który we wtorek dostarczył sprzęt medyczny” [The world`s largest plane, having delivered medical equipment on Tuesday, left from Warsaw], Polish Press Agency, 15 April 2020.

    Porycka, D. “Dworczyk: uruchamiamy most powietrzny z Chinami, który będzie przewoził towary do ochrony medycznej (opis)” [Dworczyk: we are launching an air bridge with China, which will transport goods for medical protection]”, Polish Press Agency, 26 March 2020.

    Par. “Wspólne oświadczenie w sprawie ustanowienia wszechstronnego strategicznego partnerstwa między RP a ChRL (dokumentacja)” [Joint declaration on establishing a comprehensive strategic partnership between the Republic of Poland and the PRC], Polish Press Agency, 20 June 2016.

    —— “Morawiecki dla "Die Welt": Polska chce nadrobić to, co już zrobiono gdzie indziej (wywiad, dokumentacja)” [Morawiecki for "Die Welt": Poland wants to make up for what has already been done elsewhere]”, Polish Press Agency, 11 January, 2020.

    Reb. Joz. “Prezes ARM dla "DGP": Zakupy środków medycznych realizowane były pod olbrzymią presją” [President of ARM for "DGP": Purchases of medical supplies were carried out under an enormous pressure], Polish Press Agency, 20 May, 2020.

    Roszak, M. and Kozłowska, M. “Premier: zależy nam na otwarciu chińskiego rynku na eksport polskiej wieprzowiny” [Prime Minister: we want to open the Chinese market to the export of Polish pork], Polish Press Agency, 12 April 2019.

    Tgo, Par, Jbr. “Tusk: Europa Środkowa to atrakcyjny region dla inwestycji (krótka2)” [Tusk: Central Europe is an attractive region for investment], Polish Press Agency, 26 April 2012.

    Tgo, Par. “Premier Szydło udaje się do Rygi na szczyt Chiny-Europa Środkowo-Wschodnia” [Prime Minister Szydło travels to Riga for the China-Central and Eastern Europe summit], Polish Press Agency, 3 November 2016.

    Wan, Jacek, Jwn, Mki, Ura., “Chiny/ Marszałek Sejmu zachęcała w Tianjinie do kontaktów gospodarczych (aktl.) [China/ Marshall of the Sejm encouraged economic contacts in Tianjin], Polish Press Agency, 6 June 2013.

    Wan, Jacek, Jwn, Jm. “Kopacz: wizyta w Chinach znacznie przyspieszy współpracę gospodarczą” [Kopacz: a visit to China will significantly accelerate economic cooperation], Polish Press Agency, 9 June 2013.

    Wan Jacek, Jwn, Awl, Ap, Mow. “Chiny/ Sikorski: Chcemy, by dialog polityczny wpływał na gospodarkę” [China / Sikorski: We want the political dialogue to have an impact on the economy], Polish Press Agency, 14 September 2012.

    Wkr, Agy, Je, Jbr. “Wan Jifei: zbilansowanie handlu i chińskie inwestycje receptami na rozwój (aktl.)” [Wan Jifei: Balancing Trade and Chinese Investments as Recipes for Growth], Polish Press Agency, 26 April 2012.

    Zab, Mag. “Prezes PAIiIZ: wizyta Xi przysłuży się też gospodarczej promocji Polski w Chinach" [PAIiIZ president: Xi`s visit will also contribute to the economic promotion of Poland in China], Polish Press Agency, 18 June 2016.

    Zdziera, M. “Morawiecki: mamy ogromny deficyt w handlu z Chinami” [Morawiecki: We have a huge trade deficit with China], Polish Press Agency, 9 February 2021.

    —— “Szczerski o szczycie 17+1: prezydent wezwie do otwarcia Chin na eksport z Polski” [Szczerski on the 17 + 1 summit: the president will call for China to be opened for exports from Poland], Polish Press Agency, 7 February 2021.

    Ziemska, A. “Müller: jesteśmy otwarci na współpracę gospodarczą z Chinami” [Müller: We are open to economic cooperation with China], Polish Press Agency, 9 February 2021.

    Internet databases, articles and publications:

    China Observers in Central and Eastern Europe (CHOICE) - https://chinaobservers.eu/

    China-CEEC Cooperation - http://www.china-ceec.org

    China-CEE Institute - https://china-cee.eu

    China Daily - http://china.chinadaily.com

    CGTN - https://news.cgtn.com/

    Council on Foreign Relations - www.cfr.org

    Euronews - www.euronews.com

    LRT English - https://www.lrt.lt/en/

    Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China - https://www.mfa.gov.pl

    Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland - https://www.gov.pl/web/dyplomacja/

    Polish Institute of Foreign Relations - https://www.pism.pl

    Polish Press Agency (Media Room) - https://pap-mediaroom.pl

    Polish Trade and Investment Agency - https://www.paih.gov.pl

    Project Syndicate - https://www.project-syndicate.org

    SeeNews - https://seenews.com

    Sinposis - https://sinopsis.cz

    Reuters - https://www.reuters.com

    Taiwan News - https://www.taiwannews.com.tw

    The Diplomat - https://thediplomat.com

    The European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed) - https://www.iemed.org

    The Independent: www.independent.co.uk/

    The President of Republic of Poland (website) - https://www.prezydent.pl

    The University of Nottingham`s Asia Research Institute - https://theasiadialogue.com

    The Warsaw Institute Review - https://warsawinstitute.org

    Speeches and government issued documents:

    Sikorski, R. (2012). Information about the tasks of the Polish foreign policy in 2012. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic of Poland.

    —— (2012). Priorities of the Polish foreign policy 2012-2016. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic of Poland.

    —— (2013). The Bucharest Guidelines for Cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European Countries. Ministry of Foreign Affairs People`s Republic of China.

    Sikorski, R. (2013). Information about the tasks of the Polish foreign policy in 2013. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic of Poland.

    Kong, T. (2013). Changing World and the China-CEE Relations. Speech given at the Embassy of Republic of Poland. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic of Poland.

    Sikorski, R. (2014). Information about the tasks of the Polish foreign policy in 2014. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic of Poland.

    —— (2014). The Belgrade Guidelines for Cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European Countries. Ministry of Foreign Affairs People`s Republic of China.

    —— (2015). The Suzhou Guidelines for Cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European Countries. Ministry of Foreign Affairs People`s Republic of China.

    Xi, J. (2015). Working Together to Forge a New Partnership of Win-win Cooperation and Create a Community of Shared Future for Mankind. General Debate of the 70th Session of the UN General Assembly. Ministry of Foreign Affairs People`s Republic of China.

    Waszczykowski, W. (2016). Information about the tasks of the Polish foreign policy in 2016. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic of Poland.

    Waszczykowski, W. (2017). Information about the tasks of the Polish foreign policy in 2017. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic of Poland.

    —— (2017). Priorities of the Polish foreign policy 2017-2021. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic of Poland.

    —— (2017). The Budapest Guidelines for Cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European Countries. Ministry of Foreign Affairs People`s Republic of China.

    Czaputowicz, J. (2018). Information about the tasks of the Polish foreign policy in 2018. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic of Poland.

    Czaputowicz, J. (2019). Information about the tasks of the Polish foreign policy in 2019. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic of Poland.

    —— (2022). Visit of Czech Senate President Miloš Vystrčil yields numerous tangible results; Taiwan and the Czech Republic working towards a comprehensive, democratic and cooperative partnership. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic of China (Taiwan).
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