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Title: | 工作價值觀調適歷程之研究-以臺北市公營事業人員為例 The Process of Work Value Adaptation: A Case Study of the Staff in a Public Enterprise of Taipei City |
Authors: | 詹晴雯 Chan, Ching-Wen |
Contributors: | 黃東益 趙竹成 詹晴雯 Chan, Ching-Wen |
Keywords: | 工作價值觀 調適 公共組織 work value adaptation public organization |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-08-01 18:35:45 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究探討公營事業單位中個人工作價值觀之差異及調適歷程,關注於個人在面對不同工作際遇與自身工作價值觀之變化。對組織而言,其環境與文化影響著成員的工作表現及工作心態,而每位成員所抱持的工作價值觀和採取的做法也會形塑成為其組織文化的一環,再相繼影響新進人員與組織中的每位成員,形成組織與每個人的動態互動關係。 本研究採取質性途徑,藉由半結構式問卷與研究對象深度訪談,透過受訪者語彙中所描述的自我經驗、職場生活哲理,以及心態價值轉變的陳述,以個人與組織的互動關係去思考個人價值觀調適歷程。以學術面而言,本研究嘗試以質性分析來解釋個體價值觀與環境、情境脈絡等多面向的問題,並補充過去文獻多以量化途徑討論工作價值觀與其他變項之關聯性,且研究對象多為企業、私人企業、學校,少以公共組織為探討對象。以實務面而論,本研究結果可提供人力資源管理者及組織管理者之參考。透過工作者不同角度的認知看見職場的不同面貌,使我們在面對職場困境或行政倫理困境時,增加對職場的適應力與理性思辨能力。 The research analyzes changes of individuals working in a public enterprise when they were faced with challenges of life and work, and further discusses differences of their work values and process of adaptation. The culture and work environment of and organization influence each employee’s work performance and ethic, attitude, and value. Moreover, the employees’ work value and relevant response also shape and contribute to the work culture and ethics, consecutively affecting newcomers, and hence, forming a dynamic interaction between the organization and its employees. In-depth, semi-structured interviews are applied in this study to collect interviewees’ self-perception of work experience, life philosophy, mentality and values. While the majority of prior research exclusively emphasized relationships between variables and work values in a quantitative approach to address the issue and mostly focused on private enterprises or schools, this research employs qualitative methods to enable in-depth, multi-faceted explorations of complex issues among individual values, environment, and context in real-life settings of a public organization’s employees. From a practical perspective, this study may enable readers to think more critically when they encounter ethical dilemmas in the workplace, as well as provide further references for human resource managers and executives of relevant organizations. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 108921078 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108921078 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201114 |
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