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Title: | 從風雷益卦探討易經中的領導思想 To Explore the Leadership Thought of I-ching through Yih Hexagram |
Authors: | 黃麗君 Huang, Li-Chun |
Contributors: | 蕭武桐 黃麗君 Huang, Li-Chun |
Keywords: | 風雷益卦 益卦 風雷益 易經 領導 Yih Hexagram I-ching leadership |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-08-01 18:33:41 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 人是群體的動物,在人的一生中,歷經不同的階段,不同的角色,小至家庭成員、班級學生或幹部、大至公司主管、企業經理、機關首長、地方首長、國家領導等,在不同的階段有不同的位階與責任,隨時都在「領導者」與「被領導者」角色間進行轉換,人們也在成長當中,學習如何當一個領導者,以及如何領導別人。 華人有五千年的歷史,歷經多次的朝代更替,政府部門是如何進行領導的?讀書人又從何學習領導的精神與手段,以達到有效管理?本研究是從華人的經典《易經》進行探索,認為易經風雷益卦的損上益下,最能代表華人的領導核心思想;其六爻的知人善任、正心修己、隨機權變、宏觀謀利、以民為本、永續經營,都是身為領導一職者須時刻謹記在心的初衷,不停歇的自身修養,以不負領導的重責大任。 易經風雷益卦的變爻藉由每一爻的陰陽轉換,代表著不同角度的思維,初爻變爻後風地觀卦的神道設教、下觀而化,二爻變爻後風澤中孚卦的眾望所歸、豎立典範,三爻變爻後風火家人卦的同理包容、將心比心,四爻變爻後天雷无妄卦的順天知命、避免私心,五爻變爻後山雷頤卦的自養養人、內聖外王,以及六爻變爻後水雷屯卦的回返初心、謹守正道,呈現了不同向度的領導思想與精神。 本研究整理出風雷益卦及其變爻之七大領導特質:生生、超越、中庸、同心、真實、大愛與傳承,而風雷益卦的本意「損上益下」,正是領導者不應忘記的真心,任何層級的領導者都應隨時謹記在心,如此才能在領導的工作上得心應手,發揮更好的領導成效。 Humans are animals in groups. In their life, they go through different stages and roles, ranging from family members, class students or cadres, to company executives, enterprise managers, heads of agencies, local heads, and national leaders. Different stages have different rank and responsibilities, and they switch between the roles of "leader" and "led" at any time. People are also growing up, learning how to be a leader and how to lead others. The Chinese have a history of 5,000 years and have gone through many dynasties. How do government departments lead? How can scholars learn the spirit and means of leadership in order to achieve effective management? This study is based on the Chinese classic " I-ching " to explore leadership thought: to make best advantage of all persons, to cultivate oneself in personality, to be alert in facing the ever-changing outside environment, to have grand view to achieve highest advantage, to earn the greatest benefit for the people, and to maintain the ever-lasting enterprise, all of this are the major and original concern of the leaders. Therefore, to make continuous endeavor for personal in integration, in order to keep on the benefit of the people, is the must of all the great leaders. Each Yin-young change of the six lines in Yih Hexagram, represents the different angle of leading thought. Guan Hexagram, the change of first line in Yih Hexagram, indicates the significance of educating people through the teachings of Deity in order to transform people to good deeds. Zhong-fu Hexagram, the change of second line in Yih Hexagram, indicates the principle to establish the charisma spirit to unite people. Jia-ren Hexagram, the change of third line in Yih Hexagram, emphasizes the compassion spirit so that people can love their neighbor like themselves. Wu-wang Hexagram, the change of fourth line in Yih Hexagram, stresses on the principle to prevent from egoistic thinking, and to follow on the Will of the heaven. Yíh Hexagram, the change of fifth line in Yih Hexagram, conveys ideal of achieving the highest leadership as a sacred leader and provides the available help to other countries. Zhun Hexagram, the change of sixth line in Yih Hexagram, indicates the significance of a conscientious conversion of the leader to stick to his original ideal for the people. All of these six dimensions of leading spirit, convey the diverse dimensions in leading and managing philosophy. This study organizes the seven leadership characteristics of Yih Hexagram and its Yin-young change of the six lines is: being and becoming, transcendence, moderation, concentricity, truthfulness, great love and inheritance. The original ideal of Yih Hexagram-to benefit people, is exactly the very authentic principle, that all ranks of leaders should keep up in mind. With this critical spirit, all leaders could thus make greatest advantages for the people, and achieve the highest efficiency in their leadership. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 104921017 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104921017 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201053 |
Appears in Collections: | [行政管理碩士學程(MEPA)] 學位論文
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