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Title: | 以財稅資料分析臺灣地價稅資本化情形:縣市合併的準實驗 Land Value Tax Capitalization in Taiwan: A Quasi-Experiment of City-County Merger with Administrative Tax Data |
Authors: | 李佳臻 Li, Jia-Jhen |
Contributors: | 陳國樑 李佳臻 Li, Jia-Jhen |
Keywords: | 財稅資料 縣市合併 地價稅 租稅資本化 資本化程度 準實驗 Administrative tax data City-county merger Land value tax Tax capitalization Degree of capitalization Quasi-experiment |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-08-01 18:30:04 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本文使用財政部財政資訊中心 2007 年至 2015 年全國土地財產檔,以 2010 年底縣市合併升格後、2013 年重新規定累進起點地價作為準實驗 (quasi-experiment),分析地價稅稅負外生變動對於土地價格的影響,進而探討我國地價稅租稅資本化 (capitalization) 現象與估算租稅資本化程度。縣市合併後,原縣 (原市) 累進起點地價上升 (下降)、地價稅稅負減輕 (加重),若存在租稅資本化現象,原縣 (原市) 土地公告現值理應上升 (下降)。 採差異中的差異法 (difference-in-differences, DID) 分析,研究結果顯示原臺中縣交界區與原高雄縣交界區存在租稅資本化現象,地價稅負擔與土地價值呈現負向關係,縣市合併後土地公告現值平均提升 5.81% 與 4.24%。本文另以兩種方式計算資本化程度,發現在我國一般房貸利率 2% 的折現率下,以 DID 估算之方法一指出原臺中縣交界區與原高雄縣交界區地價稅資本化程度約為 87.6% 與 67.3%,以連續 DID 估算之方法二指出約為 92.9% 與 41.4 %,較目前國內外多數財產稅文獻的資本化程度為高,隱含我國地價稅轉嫁予購屋者的比重低。考量土地價值在房地產價格中占有相當高的比重,如欲有效抑制不動產價格,建議可適度調整我國土地持有者之地價稅實質負擔。 We use administrative tax data from 2007 to 2015 to examine the capitalization of the land value tax in Taiwan, taking advantage of quasi-experiments created from three city-county mergers in 2010, and the associated re-assessment of the tax bases—the Starting Cumulative Values (SCV)—in 2013. Cities and counties in the mergers experienced opposite exogenous changes in the land value tax: after the mergers, the SCV in the cities went down, resulting in increases in the city land value tax, while the SCV in the counties went up, resulting in decreases in the county land value tax. Results from the difference-in-differences (DID) estimators provide robust evidence of capitalization in border districts of original Taichung and Kaohsiung counties. After the mergers, the values of county lands (as measured by the Assessed Present Values) increased by an average of 5.81% in Taichung county and by an average of 4.24% in Kaohsiung county. Two different approaches are imposed to calculate the degree of capitalization. Using the general mortgage interest rate of 2% as the discount rate, the usual DID imputation suggests the degrees of capitalization of land value taxes are 87.6% and 67.3% in Taichung and Kaohsiung counties, respectively, while the continuous DID imputation suggests the corresponding degrees of capitalization are 92.9% and 41.4%, respectively. Compared to existing evidence of tax capitalization using general property taxes, the degrees of capitalization of the land value tax are higher. Taking into account the lion’s share of the value of land in the real estate prices, our results point out that increasing the burden of the land value tax is an effective measure to lower the prices of real estate. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 財政學系 109255004 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109255004 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202200918 |
Appears in Collections: | [財政學系] 學位論文
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