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    Title: 科學園區智慧與生態規劃關鍵因素之研究
    The Study on Key Factors of Smart and Ecological Planning of Science Park
    Authors: 謝岳凌
    Hsieh, Yueh-Ling
    Contributors: 孫振義
    Sun, Chen-Yi
    Hsieh, Yueh-Ling
    Keywords: 科學園區
    Science Park
    Ecological Planning
    Smart Planning
    Analytical Hierarchy Process
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-08-01 18:21:49 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   近年氣候變遷以及國際競爭趨勢背景下,環境保護、綠色意識與永續發展精神已然成為近年國際重要議題。全球製造業生產所消耗的自然資源與污染製造,影響氣候並衍生災害,科學園區乃產業經濟發展重心,面臨生態與經濟兩難之課題,必須有策略地進行科學園區空間規劃。此外,隨資訊通信科技的蓬勃發展,應用發展日漸成熟之智慧科技作為空間與產業轉型創新的工具,對達成長期減碳目標有利,科學園區多將其融入規劃以提高競爭力及創造友善環境。因此,若可有策略地規劃科學園區,提出智慧與生態上具有節能減碳與再生循環精神之規劃手段,則更能夠達到科學園區永續發展與經營的目標。
    In the context of climate change and international competition recently, environmental protection, green awareness, and the spirit of sustainable development have become important international issues in recent years. The natural resources consumed by the global manufacturing industry and the production of pollution affect the climate and generate disasters. Science parks are the focus of industrial economic development. Faced with the dilemma of ecology and economy, it is necessary to strategically plan the space of science parks. In addition, with the vigorous development of information and communication technology, the application of increasingly mature smart technology as a tool for space and industrial transformation and innovation is beneficial for achieving long-term carbon reduction goals. Science parks often integrate them into planning to improve competitiveness and create a friendly environment. Therefore, if the science park can be planned strategically, and planning methods with the spirit of energy saving and carbon reduction and regeneration, and recycling can be proposed in wisdom and ecology, the goal of sustainable development and operation of the science park can be better achieved.
    Therefore, this research aims to summarize the key factors of the wisdom and ecological planning of the science park scientifically and systematically and analyze the weight relationship between the key factors, as a reference for future park planning strategies and policies. This study firstly used literature search, case studies, and interviews to clarify the key factors of smart and ecological planning that science parks should focus on and to establish a hierarchical structure of key factors including orientation, classification, and projects. The analysis method obtains the weighting results of each factor orientation, classification, and project, to know the relative importance of each other, which can be used for future science park wisdom and ecological planning strategies, and policy development.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109257003
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202201043
    Appears in Collections:[Department of Land Economics] Theses

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