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Title: | 公部門運用吉祥物行銷策略─以臺北市政府熊讚為例 The mascot marketing strategy of public sector- A case study of mascot “Bravo” of Taipei city government |
Authors: | 張樺安 Cheung, Hua-An |
Contributors: | 張鎧如 Chang, Kai-Ju 張樺安 Cheung, Hua-An |
Keywords: | 吉祥物 熊讚 政府行銷 城市行銷 角色行銷 Mascot Bravo Government marketing City marketing Character marketing |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-08-01 18:18:26 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 臺北市政府吉祥物「熊讚」因代言及宣傳世大運的態度與萌樣受到民眾歡迎,颳起吉祥物旋風,進而使北市府盤點轄下吉祥物運作情形,整合「熊讚」為唯一吉祥物代言人,現今已有穩定的運作模式;至今臺灣其他行政機關吉祥物仍然不斷再產出及運用,本研究以「熊讚」為個案研究,整合政府行銷理論「吉祥物設計策略」、「吉祥物行銷策略」各項構面,盤點國內外、公私部門經典吉祥物運作模式,探討其動機、執行情形及經營成效,藉由文獻分析法、參與觀察法及深度訪談法,訪談及蒐集「熊讚」營運團隊及本研究擇選之若干標竿吉祥物執行成果,作為實務上策略整合之參考。研究結果顯示,「吉祥物設計策略」之敘事框架構面邏輯根源於角色設定構面,且角色設定之重要性為在設計吉祥物時首要考量及吸引力來源。而「吉祥物行銷策略」中,政務人員提攜構面係以催化型式存在,不必然為吉祥物成功運作之必要因素,再者吉祥物比起與受眾線上互動,應與受眾進行廣泛的實地互動,以強化經營效果。 The mascot of the Taipei City Government, “Bravo”, was welcomed by the public for its attitude and cuteness in the endorsement and promotion of the Taipei 2017 Universiade.
And now, “Bravo” is in a stable mode as uniqle mascot of Taipei City Government, even can be a benchmark for other administrative agecies in Taiwan.
This research takes “Bravo” and some selected benchmark mascots as a case study, integrating government marketing theories, including “Mascot Design Strategy”, “Mascot Marketing Strategy” and so on, inventorying the operation modes of the domestic and foreign classic mascot of the public and private sectors, discusses its motivation, implementation and effectiveness.
The research results show that the logic of the storytelling frame aspect of “Mascot Design Strategy” is rooted in the aspect of character setting, and character setting is the primary consideration and source of attraction in designing mascots.
In the “Mascot Marketing Strategy”, the aspect of facilitation of government officials exists in the form of catalysis is not a necessary factor for the successful operation mode of the mascot. Moreover, the mascot should interact with people extensively on-site rather than interacting online, in order to strengthen the operating effect. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 公共行政學系 105256012 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105256012 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201136 |
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