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    Title: 臺灣企業對中國投資決策之政治經濟分析
    Taiwanese Enterprises` Decision Making for Investment in China: A Political Economy Analysis
    Authors: 歐家瑋
    Ou, Chia-Wei
    Contributors: 黃兆年
    Ou, Chia-Wei
    Keywords: 臺灣企業
    OLI 模型
    Taiwanese enterprises
    Decision making for investment in China
    Levels of analysis
    OLI model
    China factor
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-08-01 18:17:59 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 根據中華民國經濟部投審會統計,臺灣對中國投資自 1991 年至2020 年為止已經多達 1900 多億美元,比起 1952 年就有紀錄且累積至 2020 年的臺灣對外投資 1500 多億美元還多,顯示臺灣企業對中投資不論金額或是比例上都相當的高。在兩岸經濟關係那麼密切,且臺灣在經濟上相當依賴中國的情況下,探討臺商投資中國的變動是相當重要的。因此本文想了解究竟是何種原因使得投資金額產生變化,尤其在產生轉折的主要時間點當中,究竟是甚麼樣的因素影響了臺商的投資決策,進而影響了整體投資金額的變動。
    本文將對中投資的因素分成臺灣因素、中國因素、國際因素等三個分析層次,輔以 OLI 模型的視角,基於次級資料及訪談資料,進行宏觀與微觀的個案分析,期能透過上述步驟逐層比較之後,探討出哪一因素對臺商決策的影響最大。本文發現與所提假設一致:臺灣因素、中國因素、國際因素等三大因素,都在不同層面對臺商的對中投資決策產生影響,但其中又以中國因素的影響最大,包括其勞力成本的上升、產業政策的轉型等,都對臺商的對中投資決策具有重大影響,進而使臺灣對中投資的整體金額發生變動。
    According to the statistics published by the Investment Commission of the Ministry of Economic Affairs of Taiwan, Taiwan has invested more than US$190 billion in China from 1991 to 2020. In contrast, Taiwan has merely invested around
    US$150 billion in the other foreign countries, recorded from 1952 and accumulated until 2020. The investment from Taiwan to China is incredibly high in amount and proportion. Given that Taiwan has a close economic relationship with China and
    Taiwan depends economically on China, it is crucial to explore the causes of the changes in the amount of Taiwanese investment in China. In particular, this thesis examines what factors influence Taiwanese enterprises’ investment decisions and thus the overall investment amount.
    This thesis investigates the causes of Taiwanese investment in China from three levels of analysis: the Taiwan factor, the China factor, and the international factor. It also conducts case analyses based on the OLI model from a macro to a micro perspective. The primary sources of research materials are secondary and interview data. The research purpose is to determine the primary factor influencing Taiwanese enterprises’ investment decisions the most. The main finding is aligned with the proposed hypotheses: While the Taiwan factor, the China factor, and the international factor all work on different levels, the China factor, such as the rise of labor costs and the transformation of industrial policies, has the most profound impact on Taiwanese enterprises’ decision making for investment in China and thus the overall changes in the amount of Taiwanese investment in China.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108261004
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202200699
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