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Title: | 從婚姻權與家庭權檢視司法院釋字第七四八號解釋施行法之合憲性 The Constitutionality of the Act for Implementation of Judicial Yuan Interpretation No. 748 from the perspective of marriage rights and family rights |
Authors: | 歐苡均 OU, YI-CHUN |
Contributors: | 廖元豪 Liao, Yuan-Hao 歐苡均 OU, YI-CHUN |
Keywords: | 婚姻權 家庭權 同性婚姻 司法院釋字第七四八號解釋施行法 marriage rights family rights same-sex marriage the Act for Implementation of Judicial Yuan Interpretation No.748 |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-08-01 18:15:09 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 我國司法院大法官作成釋字第748號解釋(下稱第748號解釋),認為相同性別之兩人成立具親密性排他性之永久結合關係亦屬於憲法第22條保障之範圍。2019年5月通過之司法院釋字第七四八號解釋施行法(下稱748施行法)為立法院遵照第748號解釋所給予的兩年限制,為同性伴侶提供法律層次上之保障。惟仔細觀察748 施行法之規定,可知該法並未給予同性伴侶與異性夫妻相同之保障,亦未有相應之說明。是應認為在「婚姻權」已擴張為包含相同性別之兩人,相同性別之兩人所成立之家庭亦應受家庭權之保障,換言之,家庭權之保障亦應有所擴張。 因此本文參酌同性運動發展較為完整之美國,藉由整理美國同性婚姻與家庭權發展之聯邦最高法院判決,梳理出美國對於婚姻權與家庭權在憲法上之詮釋。再回頭檢視我國大法官對於婚姻與家庭所做成之解釋,藉由美國與我國之比較,建構出我國在第748號解釋做成後,內涵已有所改變之婚姻權與家庭權。並以此作為基礎,檢討立法院依第748號解釋所通過之748施行法有關同性伴侶之結合型態未為明確定義、未使同性伴侶為共同收養,以及未準用婚生推定之規定,是否違反憲法保障之婚姻權、家庭權與平等權之意旨。藉由平等權之討論,作為實現同性伴侶之憲法上婚姻權與家庭權之基礎,並期待能作為日後檢討748施行法以及實現同性伴侶之婚姻權與家庭權之研究素材。 The Chief Justice of the Judicial Yuan made Interpretation No. 748, holding that the establishment of a permanent union of intimacy and exclusiveness between two people of the same sex also falls within the scope of Article 22 of the Constitution. Legislative Yuan obey the two-year limit imposed by Judicial Yuan Interpretation No. 748, passed the Act for Implementation of Judicial Yuan Interpretation No. 748(herein after the No.748 Act) in May 2019, providing legal protection for same-sex couples. However, a careful observation of the provisions of the No.748 Act shows that the law does not provide same-sex couples with the same protection as opposite-sex couples, nor does it provide corresponding explanations, which may violate Interpretation No. 748 and the intent of the Constitution to protect marriage rights and family rights. That is to say, family rights also should expand to same-sex family. Therefore, this article considers the United States, where the same-sex movement is relatively developed, and sorts out the constitutional interpretation of marriage and family rights from the Federal Supreme Court decision. By comparing the Interpretation of marriage rights and family rights made by the Chief Justice and the decision made by the Supreme Court, we can construct the marriage rights and family rights that have changed in content after the Interpretation of No. 748. Based on this, review whether the provisions of the No. 748 Act passed by the Legislative Yuan in accordance with Interpretation No. 748 concerning the lack of a clear definition of the union of same-sex couples, the failure to make same-sex couples a joint adoption, and the non-applicability of the presumption of wedlock are in violation of the Constitution. The meaning of the rights to marriage, family and equality guaranteed by the Constitution. The discussion of equal rights serves as the basis for realizing the constitutional right to marriage and family of same-sex couples, and is expected to serve as an important material for future review of the No. 748 Act and the realization of same-sex couples` right to marriage and family. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 法律學系 106651014 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106651014 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202200835 |
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