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    Title: 以壓力模式探討癌症末期病人於醫療決定之主觀經驗
    Exploring the medical decision-making experience in advanced cancer patients - Using the stress model approach
    Authors: 盛心毓
    Sheng, Hsin-Yu
    Contributors: 吳治勳
    Sheng, Hsin-Yu
    Keywords: 癌症末期病人
    Advanced cancer patients
    Medical decision-making
    Stress model
    Thematic analysis
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-08-01 18:11:00 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 緒論:在心理腫瘤學相關研究中,可以發現癌症末期病人的醫療決定不僅是與疾病或醫療訊息的認識有關,亦與病人的主觀因素有所關聯,如:認知思考歷程、身心調適。唯過往針對癌症末期病人的醫療決定相關的研究,較多是探討醫療決定之結果而非心理歷程,較難以瞭解癌症末期病人是「如何」做選擇。因此本研究欲以癌症末期病人為研究對象,透過健康心理學之壓力模式為基礎,以瞭解病人在疾病末期與醫療相關之壓力源、壓力評估、及因應等心理歷程,並藉此探索癌末病人於醫療決定上之重要議題。
    Background: Through psycho-oncology related studies, it seems that the medical decisions made by advanced cancer patients are not only associated with the knowledge of the disease or medical information, but also the patients’ cognitive thinking process or psychological adjustment. However, past studies mainly focused on the outcome of medical decision-making rather than the process itself. Accordingly, this study aimed to explore the patients’ psychological processes from the medical decision-making experience with stress model in health psychology.
    Method: Semi-structured interview was adopted to explore the disease and medical decision-making experience. The outline was based on stress model and includes following items: disease and treatment background; related changes of disease and treatment effects, and influences on the choice of medical methods; personal thoughts of palliative care; treatment opinions of family members or significant others; other experience in treating/improving physical conditions.
    Result: On the basis of bottom-up thematic analysis, data from 16 participants showed 2 categories of 7 themes. The first category is disease and treatment experience: (1) the experiences included biological, psychological, and social suffer, (2) narratives about limitation of life. The second category is the considerations in medical decision-making: (3) reliving physical and psychological pain, (4) being forced to make decisions, (5) wanting to live, (6) social factors, and (7) limited-resources. In addition, this study explored patients’ understanding of palliative care, participants showed 3 types of response: feedback of not-sure, positive and negative comments.
    Discussion: The results show that the stressors of advanced cancer patients are not only disease itself, but include physical, psychological, social distress, and the interaction of them. The same person may encounter conflicting choices, such as he/she sometimes hopes to receive treatments but sometimes doesn’t. When understanding patients’ medical decision through their psychological process, it can be found that patients often describes palliative care as "give up", and the phenomenon may be related to the failure of coping outcome. The referrals to palliative care services under professional custom may let patients feel being abandoned by medical personnel if patients hold the coping goal to cure themselves. Faced with the failure of coping, there would be negative emotions like helplessness, despair, or loss accompanying by, which may then become a new stressor. As a result, emotional adjustment is more needed for patients. But patients often use emotion avoidance coping, such as: avoiding death-related stimuli. Also, they often lack resources to cope the negative emotion. In conclusion, medical personnel could understand the suffering experience of advanced cancer patients from a bio-psycho-social holistic perspective. In addition to the outcome of medical decisions, it is worth paying more attention to advanced cancer patients’ psychological process and emotion response, which may be more helpful for patients’ adjustment under the related stress of advanced cancer.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107752004
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202200773
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