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    Title: 認識與後設認識—賈央塔《正理之花.非二元識論章》譯註與研究
    Cognition and Meta-cognition: A Study and Annotated Translation of the Vijñānādvaitavāda Section of Jayanta’s Nyāyamañjarī
    Authors: 李承恩
    Lee, Cheng-En
    Contributors: 林鎮國

    Lin, Chen-Kuo
    Ho, Chien-Hsing

    Lee, Cheng-En
    Keywords: 賈央塔
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-08-01 17:43:29 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 《正理之花》(Nyāyamañjarī)是印度正理派(Nyāya)哲學家賈央塔(Bhaṭṭa Jayanta,約840-900 CE)的重要著作,其中的〈非二元識論章〉(Vijñānādvaitavādaḥ,下稱識論章)涉及他對佛教中以陳那(Dignāga,約480-540 CE)、法稱(Dharmakīrti,約600-660 CE)為首的「識論(Vijñānavāda)」立場的批評,本文特別聚焦於認識與後設認識的討論,對〈識論章〉進行哲學研究與梵本中文譯註,主要的問題意識為:對賈央塔而言,認識經驗是什麼?
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