Abstract: | 近年來觀光旅遊業被視為經濟發展的重要動力,也是最具社會經濟指標的產業。國際旅客人數從1950年的2,500萬人次,到2019年成長到15億人次,說明了人們對觀光與休閒旅遊的高度渴望。依據世界旅遊觀光委員會(WTTC)報告顯示,觀光旅遊業在2018年以3.9%成長率,成為全球成長最快的第2個行業,僅次於製造業的4%,對全球經濟貢獻達 8.8兆美元。2019年更達到9.1兆美元,相當於全球GDP的10.4%,過去5年的時間,創造了全球就業的1/5( 3.3億人),約占全球就業總人數的十分之一。
世界觀光組織(UNWTO) 指出新冠肺炎爆發後,對遊客數和國際旅遊營收造成了巨大的損害,2020 年全球旅館業的住房率預估減少42%;在航空業方面,全球航空旅遊的需求銳減48%。根據觀光局統計,台灣每年約1800 萬出國旅遊人次,幾乎全數留在國內,出國替代效應國旅大爆發,遊客消費行為也因為疫情而有所改變,防疫新生活與安全社交距離的影響下,國內偏遠地區或郊區的觀光體驗呈現大幅度成長,遊客趨向於結合大自然慢活、療癒的慢系生活,透過鄉野探索、身心靈沉澱、文化洗禮,結合獨特深度體驗,學習慢系生活並遠離都會塵囂。因此,面對「後疫情時代觀光」的旅遊策略挑戰,雲林縣以其重要的產業文化底蘊為基底開創一番新氣象,扣合「環境」「社會」「經濟」三面向均衡的永續觀光發展,整備「後疫情時代觀光」國旅以及國際競爭力的前瞻目標。
本研究主題時間以2019年至疫情爆發後2022年4月22日為基準。 The tourism industry is widely considered a driving engine in the expansion of the economy, the trailblazer for the service industry, which is also the most socio-economic index of the industry. Foreign tourists have increased from 25 million in 1950 to 1.5 billion in 2019, which demonstrates peoples’ paramount desire for tourism and leisure travel. According to a report from the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC), the annual growth rate for the tourism industry was 3.9% in 2018, which is the second fastest growing industry in the world, trailing only the manufacturing industry’s 4%, and contributing 8.8 trillion USD to the worldwide economy. In 2019, the number rose to 9.1 trillion USD, which is the equivalent of 10.4% of the world’s GDP. In the past 5 years, the tourism industry provided 1/5 (330 million) of job opportunities, which is 10% of the world’s total employment rate.
After the spread of COVID-19, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) pointed out that the pandemic created a huge amount of loss of tourists and global tourism income, in 2020, the global hotel industry reported a decline of 42%, and airlines worldwide reported a decline of 48%. According to the Tourism Bureau, due to the pandemic, the 18 million Taiwanese tourists that travels abroad annually, all stayed home. Due to Taiwan’s effective control of the coronavirus, local tourism gradually returned. With so many restrictions for global travel, local tourism spots, especially remote and mountainous areas, reported tourism growth. With the stability of the pandemic, travelers prefer natural sceneries, peaceful leisure, and comfortable slow paced lifestyle. Through the exploration of wild nature, exploration of the peace of mind, exploration of culture and creative arts, along with an unique soothing experience, learning to live slowly and away from the noise of the city life. Therefore, in lieu of the ‘Post pandemic tourism era’, Yunlin’s vital cultural industry needs to focus on balancing ‘Environment’ ‘Society’ ‘Economic’ to attain continuous tourism growth, and to compete in the ‘Post pandemic tourism era’ for local and foreign travelers.
This case study focuses on the effects of the global tourism industry after the pandemic began, analyzing Taiwan’s local tourism industry’s growth and effects after the global lockdown, with Yunlin tourism’s unique growth during this period as an example, demonstrating that understanding the crisis is the transformative step towards tourism growth.
The length of this case study is from the outbreak of the pandemic in 2019 until April 22, 2022. |