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Title: | 建構金融生態圈成功要素之研究 A Study of Success Factors of Establishing Digital Business Ecosystems in the Financial Industry |
Authors: | 王澤恩 Wang, Ze-En |
Contributors: | 尚孝純 Shang, Shari 王澤恩 Wang, Ze-En |
Keywords: | 數位生態系統 金融生態圈 金融即服務 金融即平台 開放銀行 金融 4.0 Digital business ecosystem Banking as a Service Banking as a Platform Open banking Bank 4.0 |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-08-01 17:24:12 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著資訊科技的發展,消費者使用金融服務的習慣已在近幾年有了很大的轉變。金融服務的場景將從銀行實體轉為對消費者更為方便的方式進行。發展數位生態系統是金融業近期滿足消費者需求並達到創新的重要策略之一。目前在全世界及台灣的金融業專家認為金融業所發展的數位生態系統大致有三種類別,分別為金融即服務、金融即平台、開放銀行。本研究主要探究建構金融生態圈之重要因素,並使用多個案研究方法得到全面且具有深度的洞察發現。個案在發展金融生態圈時,皆會基於其重要資源及競爭優勢發展出不同的生態系統樣貌。然而,我們從個案中發現金融業建構金融生態圈的五大重要元素,並透過科技、組織、環境框架提出了數位生態系統的重要階段及執行活動。其能使企業在建構數位生態系統時,能夠運作順暢並獲得較好的發展。 In the digital era, banking services are not conducted inside a bank, but in a way that is more convenient for people. Consumer behavior in banking services has undergone a profound change. A Digital Business Ecosystem (DBE) is a significant strategy to meet customers’ needs and create innovations for banks. In the financial industry, there are three prevalent types of DBEs: Banking as a Service, Banking as a Platform and Open Banking. This paper studies the important factors for the DBEs in the financial industry. To achieve this purpose, we use multiple-case study analysis to enhance our understanding. Furthermore, our study suggests that five key resources of DBEs from the cases. The financial companies developed various DBEs based on their competitive advantages and resources. Finally, we used technology, organization and environment framework to suggest the core activities of establishing DBEs that could make the DBE work smoothly. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 資訊管理學系 109356033 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109356033 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202200739 |
Appears in Collections: | [資訊管理學系] 學位論文
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