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    Title: 台灣西岸民眾近年對離岸風電態度之研究
    Research on the Public Opinion on the West Coast of Taiwan Towards Offshore Wind Power in Recent Years
    Authors: 蔡海蓮
    Tsai, Hai-Lien
    Contributors: 鄭宇庭
    Cheng, Yu-Ting
    Tsai, Hai-Lien
    Keywords: 離岸風力發電
    Offshore wind power
    Chi-square analysis
    Cross analysis
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-08-01 17:16:46 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究以台灣西岸沿海民眾為訪問對象,透過問卷調查的形式,探討民眾對於在該地區之外海興建離岸風力發電機組的意見與態度。主要分為北部地區(包含基隆、新北)、中部地區(包含苗栗、台中)及彰化沿海地區,其中由於彰化外海擁有西岸最優質風場,目前預定有15個風場開發計畫,因此特別獨立出來分析。本問卷調查時間分為兩段區間,第一區間為2016至2017年,第二區間為2020年至2021年,透過卡方分析檢定探討歷經五年時間的轉變,民眾對於離岸風力發電興建的態度是否有顯著影響,再以交叉分析進一步探究其背後的原因。

    This research takes the coastal residents on the west coast of Taiwan as the interview object. Through a questionnaire survey, the public`s opinions and attitudes towards the construction of offshore wind turbines outside the area are explored. It is mainly divided into the northern region (including Keelung and New Taipei), the central region (including Miaoli and Taichung) and the Changhua coastal area. Among them, because Changhua has the best wind farms on the west coast, special division out for analysis. The questionnaire survey time is divided into two periods, the first period is from 2016 to 2017, and the second period is from 2020 to 2021. Through chi-square test, it is discussed that after five years of changes, the public`s attitude towards offshore wind power construction has changed. Whether attitude has a significant impact, and then further explore the reasons behind it through cross-sectional analysis.

    The research results show that there are significant differences in the attitudes of residents, fishermen in Changhua, and opinion leaders in the northern region towards offshore wind power during the five years. Among them, residents and opinion leaders in the northern region tended to agree with conditions to disapprove; although residents in the central region all agreed with a relatively high proportion, some residents tended to agree with conditions to disapprove; although the residents in Changhua all agree with a high proportion, some residents tend to be polarized from conditional approval; fishermen in Changhua tend to be in favor from conditional approval. In addition, residents who are over 40 years old and have lived for more than 30 years tend to disapprove, and vice versa. The reasons behind it are mainly intensified negative problems such as doubts about the power generation efficiency of wind turbines, the destruction of marine ecology and the impact of fisheries.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109354027
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202200800
    Appears in Collections:[統計學系] 學位論文

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