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    Title: 運用函數主成分分析於阿茲海默症之診斷
    Application of functional principal component analysis to diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease
    Authors: 李詠玄
    Lee, Yong-Shiuan
    Contributors: 劉惠美
    Liu, Hui-Mei
    Lee, Yong-Shiuan
    Keywords: 阿茲海默症
    Alzheimer’s disease
    Functional principal component analysis
    Recurrent neural networks
    Long short-term memory networks
    Longitudinal data
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-08-01 17:13:51 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 自二十世紀晚期對於探討阿茲海默症成因、病情發展與有效治療方式的研究大量增加。其中最重要的目標之一即為於早期診斷出阿茲海默症,也就是輕度認知障礙。診斷輕度認知障礙或阿茲海默症即是統計上的分類問題。通常阿茲海默症的相關研究資料皆為長期追蹤資料,由於資料收集的方式,使得資料多為稀疏性且不規則間隔的資料。再者,基於近年來醫學診斷工具,尤其是腦部顯影的技術進步與普及,阿茲海默症資料更常為具有高維度的資料。傳統上常用的統計分類方法對於此類資料型態有其侷限性。本研究首先將資料的變數視為只具有少數觀察值的函數,使用函數主成分分析工具來重建高維度、稀疏且不規則間隔的資料,使資料收集區間內的所有觀察時間點皆能有函數的估計值。接續再利用遞迴類神經網路中專門針對時間序列資料的長短期記憶類神經網路,來對研究對象做診斷的分類。本研究的實證結果指出在最佳情境下,此作法使用較多觀察值於訓練資料集,以及使用較多的輸入變數,能夠正確辨認出最多的早期輕度認知障礙者(十一個患者中正確辨認出五個)。顯示此法對於辨認早期的輕度認知障礙有較大的潛力。針對阿茲海默症此類醫學研究中常見的不平衡資料,未來可考慮加入重新採樣的方法或是成本考量的分類方法進一步發展優化本文所提出之程序。
    Since the late 20th century, researches of Alzheimer’s disease intending to better understand the causes, the progression, and effective treatments of this disease have boosted. One of the most important purposes of these researches is to detect the disease at early stages, that is, the diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment. The diagnosis is certainly the classification problem in statistics. The research data of Alzheimer’s disease are usually longitudinal, which can be very sparse and irregularlyspaced as a result of data collection process. Additionally, the research data can also have high imensional features due to improvement in clinical neuroimaging techniques. Classical approaches for classification have limitations in using the sparse and irregular, highdimensional, longitudinal data. This study is the first to implement the tool of the functional principal component analysis to reconstruct the whole
    functions of all variables during the period, and then to apply the long shortterm memory networks, a recurrent neural network designed for time series data, for classification. The empirical results show that in the bestcase scenario this method identifies 5 out of 11 MCI cases in the testing dataset while the other methods only accurately predict 0 or 1 MCI case. The results suggest that this procedure has great potential for early detection of Alzheimer’s disease. The proposed method can further be developed for imbalanced data with resampling or costsensitive classification techniques.
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