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Title: | 品牌熟悉度與參與成本對Instagram抽獎意願之影響 --以風險感知及個人背景為調節變項 The Influence of Brand Familiarity and Engagement Costs on Instagram Users’ Willingness to Enter Sweepstakes: The Moderating Effects of Risk Perception and Demographics |
Authors: | 吳佳燕 Goh, Jia-Yen |
Contributors: | 陳憶寧 Chen, Yi-Ning Katherine 吳佳燕 Goh, Jia-Yen |
Keywords: | Instagram 社群行銷 抽獎 參與成本 品牌熟悉度 風險感知 Instagram Social media marketing Sweepstakes Engagement cost Brand familiarity Risk perception |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-07-01 16:38:06 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 有鑑於企業對網路行銷的重視,作為線下年輕人最常使用的社群平台之一,Instagram也被利用為行銷管道。近年來,更是有商家利用抽獎活動吸引消費者注意,以此增加與使用者的互動以及曝光率。過去的研究曾表明品牌與消費者之間的互動將影響品牌熟悉度、忠誠度,甚至是購買意願。 因此,本研究於Instagram虛構抽獎文章,以此討論線上參與成本與品牌熟悉度對抽獎意願之影響,並以個人背景以及風險感知作為調節變項,為網路行銷以及線上抽獎活動提供研究價值以及參考依據。本研究本以線上實驗法,於2022年3月21對18歲至33歲之族群發放實驗問卷,總共回收231份問卷,並以統計工具SPSS進行分析。 研究結果顯示: 1. 參與成本是參與抽獎的重要考量之一,參與成本越高、則抽獎意願越低。 2. 在帳號品牌熟悉度較高或參與成本高的情況下,社會風險與抽獎意願為負相關。 3.個人背景變項對參與成本以及抽獎意願有調節效果。 藉由本研究,除了可對企業提供行銷活動上參與的依據與考量,亦可以豐富社群行銷的文獻,為此領域作學術貢獻。 Given the importance of e-commerce, as one of the most commonly used social platforms for young people, Instagram is also used as a marketing channel. In recent years, companies have used sweepstakes to attract consumers` attention to increase exposure and interact with users. Past research has shown that interactions between brands and consumers will affect brand familiarity, loyalty, and even purchase intent. Therefore, through Instagram sweepstakes, this study uses an online experimental method to discuss the impact of online engagement costs and brand familiarity on the willingness to participate in the sweepstakes, uses demographics and risk perception as the moderator variable to provide research value and reference for online marketing and online sweepstakes activities. This study distributed experimental questionnaires to those aged between 18 to 33 years old on March 21, 2022, and a total of 231 questionnaires were collected and analyzed with the statistical tool SPSS. The results show that the cost of participation is one of the important considerations for entering in the sweepstakes, the higher the participation cost, the lower the willingness to participate in the sweepstakes, In the case of high brand familiarity or high participation cost, the social risk is negatively correlated with the willingness to enter sweepstakes. Through this research, in addition to providing companies with the basis and consideration of participation in marketing activities, it can also enrich the literature on online marketing and make contributions to the Instagram marketing research field. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 傳播學院傳播碩士學位學程 109464055 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109464055 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202200505 |
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