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    Title: 探討聊天機器人之特性對線上顧客體驗及滿意度之影響—以 Facebook Messenger 為例
    Exploring the Impact of the Characteristics of Chatbots on Online Customer Experience and Satisfaction—Take Facebook Messenger as an Example.
    Authors: 李采軒
    Li, Tsai-Hsuan
    Contributors: 陳憶寧
    Li, Tsai-Hsuan
    Keywords: 聊天機器人
    Facebook Messenger
    Facebook Messenger
    Online customer experience
    Customer satisfaction
    Technology readiness
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-07-01 16:37:54 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: Facebook 開放聊天機器人 API 後,許多企業開始將品牌粉絲專頁導入聊天 機器人,使用者與聊天機器人互動以獲取產品、服務相關信息或線上訂購產品等 全年無休的服務。本研究欲探討 Facebook Messenger 聊天機器人的特性對顧客線 上經驗及滿意度的影響,以科技接受模式與資訊系統成功模式為理論基礎,測量 聊天機器人的正確性、回應時間及擬人化特質對顧客線上經驗及滿意度的影響, 並納入科技準備度以了解個人對新科技的態度是否會調節顧客的滿意度。在網路 上招募 343 位曾經使用過 Facebook Messenger 聊天機器人的受測者並使用結構 方程模式進行研究分析,研究結果顯示,聊天機器人的正確性、回應時間及擬人 化特質對外在價值有正向影響,聊天機器人的正確性及擬人化特質對內在價值有 正向影響,回應時間對內在價值為負向影響,然而,科技準備度對線上顧客體驗 及顧客滿意度並無調節效果。
    Many companies have begun to import chatbots on their Facebook fan pages since Facebook opened up the Messenger API to all developers. Users can obtain information about products, services or order products online 24/7 by interacting with chatbots. This study aims to explore the impact of the characteristics of Facebook Messenger chatbots on customer online experience and satisfaction on the basis of Technology Acceptance Model and Information System Success Model. Taking the accuracy, response time and anthropomorphic characteristics of chatbots as variables, we also incorporate technology readiness as moderator to understand whether personal attitudes toward new technology moderate customer satisfaction. Structural equation modeling is employed to analyze survey data collected from 343 Facebook Messenger chatbot users recruited via online. The results showed that the accuracy, response time and anthropomorphic characteristics of chatbot had positive impact on external value, and the accuracy and anthropomorphic characteristics of chatbot had positive impact on internal value, but the response time of chatbot had negative impact on internal value. However, technology readiness had no moderating effect on online customer experience and customer satisfaction.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109464051
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202200545
    Appears in Collections:[Master`s Program in Communication] Theses

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