题名: | 以類神經網路模型探討影響房價的關鍵外部因子-以台南市和台北市為例 The study of external factors affecting house price–using artificial neural network models based on Tainan and Taipei City house transaction data |
作者: | 陳泓泯 Chen, Hung-Min |
贡献者: | 陳立民 Chen, Li-Ming 陳泓泯 Chen, Hung-Min |
关键词: | 房價預測 住宅房價影響因子 類神經網路 實價登錄 House price prediction Factors affecting house price Neural network model Actual Price Registration of Real Estate Transactions |
日期: | 2022 |
上传时间: | 2022-07-01 16:36:23 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 根據資料統計,近十年來六都的平均購屋價格增加了35%,漲幅甚大,主要受到建材成本提升、工資上漲、土地取得日趨困難以及匯率和總體經濟等影響。 內政部於2012年推動實價登錄政策,希望讓房屋買賣資訊更透明化以健全台灣房地產市場,由於存在部分缺失,內政部再於2021年推動實價登錄2.0,防止投機炒作導致房價泡沫化,也保障民眾購屋的權利。 過去國外已有許多文獻根據房地產交易資料進行分析,在實價登錄推動後,國內也開始有眾多研究探討住宅價格預測的影響因子和使用方法,目前市場面亦有房地產公司提供相關的平台,協助民眾在購屋時有個更明確的參考,本研究將參考過去的國內外的文獻,以台南市以及台北市的房屋交易資訊為例,選定三項外在因子(區域學校數量、區域超商數量、區域綠地數量),並以類神經網路模型做為預測模型,探討在此架構下,加入此三項因子是否有助於提升房價預測的準確度,同時也探討不同的外在因子對於這兩個城市的影響程度是否相同。 台南市和台北市的市區規劃、生活型態、生活機能不同,消費者在購屋考量的點也會有所差異,經研究結果發現,並非加入所有外在因子對於預測準確度的提升帶來最大的幫助,以台南市來說,加入區域超商數量、區域綠地數量此兩項變數對於模型預測準確度的提升效果較好;以台北市來說,加入區域超商數量、區域學校數量此兩項變數對於模型預測準確度的提升效果較好。 The average house transaction price in the six main cities has increased by 35% in past ten years, considering the increase in the cost of building material, wage, the difficulty to acquire land, and the affect from exchange rates and Marco Economy. The policy of “Actual Price Registration of Real Estate Transactions” was promoted by The Ministry of the Interior in 2012, hoping to decrease the information asymmetry and hence improve the real estate market in Taiwan. In 2021, in order to prevent speculation from resulting the real-estate bubble, The Ministry of the Interior push the policy to 2.0 by adding more mechanisms which protects people’s right to purchase real estate. There are many literatures with the topics regarding real-estate transaction data. After the announcement of above policy, many domestic academics started to study the critical factors that may affect the house price. Some real-estate companies also start to provide the service for house price prediction which could be a reference for buyers. This study uses neural network as the prediction model to verify which external factors: the regional amount of school, the regional amount of convenient store, the regional amount of green area will be more critical that can enhance the performance of prediction tasks in Tainan and Taipei City. In addition, This study verifies whether the same factor can bring the same influence to different city. The result finds not all external factors added to the model can bring the best performance. To Tainan, adding the factors: regional amount of convenient store and the regional amount of green area can efficiently enhance the prediction accuracy. To Taipei, adding the factors: the regional amount of school, the regional amount of convenient store can efficiently enhance the prediction accuracy. |
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描述: | 碩士 國立政治大學 企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程) 110363057 |
資料來源: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0110363057 |
数据类型: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202200647 |
显示于类别: | [企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程)] 學位論文
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