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Title: | 電動車充電樁繼電器新產品開發之關鍵成功因素探討-以C公司為例 The Critical Success Factors of New Product Development of Electric Vehicle Charging Station Relay - A Case Study of C Company |
Authors: | 孫欽彥 Sun, Chin-Yen |
Contributors: | 李易諭 孫欽彥 Sun, Chin-Yen |
Keywords: | 新產品開發 關鍵成功因素 電動車 充電樁 繼電器 New product development Critical success factor Electric vehicle Charging station Relay |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-07-01 16:35:02 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近年來,隨著政府政策法規的支持、消費者習慣的改變,以及電動車相關科技的進步,汽車市場產生劇烈的變化,越來越多跨界企業投入電動車市場,傳統汽車品牌也積極轉型跨入電動車車款之設計開發,競爭日益激烈。在電動車充電樁中所需的繼電器也因電動車的崛起,整個繼電器產業也變得更競爭。在這樣的競爭環境下,進行新產品開發來搶奪電動車商機已成為企業的重點策略,為避免開發失敗並提高成功率,找出和實踐新產品開發的關鍵成功因素成為一大課題。 本研究以C公司為研究對象,藉由PEST分析和產業分析了解C公司所處的外在環境,後透過內部SWOT分析和五力分析,來發掘C公司在電動車趨勢下所面臨到的機會與挑戰點,並以Ansoff和BCG矩陣來了解C公司可選擇的策略方向,了解到新產品開發策略的形成與必要性,最後以新產品開發關鍵成功因素相關的國內外專業期刊論文等公開資料作為研究基礎,對C公司新產品開發策略執行的過程做深入訪談討論,希冀從中了解電動車充電樁繼電器新產品開發的關鍵成功因素,對未來進行新產品開發的企業提供一些參考方向。 本文有以下結論: ㄧ、在繼電器產業競爭激烈的情況下,研發創新將是發掘機會同時抵抗外部威脅的基礎 二、重視高階管理團隊的參與成為新產品開發的重要關鍵成功因素 三、策略目標與後續的執行計畫需要清楚明訂,讓員工有共識的逐步實踐 四、跨部門團隊為新產品開發最適的形式,而團隊負責人可視專案階段,同步參與其他專案 五、新產品開發流程應根據實際情況彈性地調整,以同步工程的方式進行並設立審核點,可提升新產品開發的品質 六、團隊負責人需跨領域整合專業人才 七、新產品開發不只需要滿足客戶需求,也需確保公司的獲利 八、知識管理整合到新產品開發上可有效縮短開發時程,提升整體績效 In recent years, with the government support, customer’s change of behavior, and the improvement of the technology of electric vehicle, the car market is experiencing a drastic change. More and more tech, and start-up companies decide to invest in electric vehicle. Traditional car companies have started to design, manufacture, and release electric vehicle as well. The competition in the EV market has become extremely intense. The demand for the relay in the charging station is simultaneously experiencing a strong growth. This makes the whole relay industry become very competitive. Hence, working on new product development to seize the business opportunity in the EV market becomes an important strategy for a relay company. Thus, in order to avoid a new product development fail, finding the critical success factor for new product development is critical. This paper is to study the relay case company. First, with PEST and industry analysis to understand the case company’s external factors. Then, with SWOT and Porter Five Forces analysis, to discover what opportunity and challenge the case company may have under the electric vehicle trend. Ansoff and BCG is also used to find the viable strategy for the case company. Last, related research papers of critical success factor of new product development will be used as the research basis for designing the questionnaire for an in-depth interview with the case company. The purpose of this is to find the critical success factor of new product development of electric vehicle charging station relay. Hoping to provide some insights for companies that are working on new product development in the future. This paper has below conclusions: 1. Under the intense competition in the relay industry, new product development will be the way for relay companies to seize related opportunities and avoid threats. 2. Top management team support is a key critical success factor to new product development. 3. Strategy and the follow-up plan need to be stated clearly, so employee can understand how to reach and accomplish the set goal. 4. Forming a cross-functional teams is best for new product development. Team leader can work on multiple projects depending on the project stage. 5. New product development process has to be flexible depending on the situation. Implementing concurrent engineering and setting up review points could enhance the quality of new product development process. 6. Team leader will have to efficiently manage and integrate a team of experts from different background. 7. New product development not only has to fulfill the client’s demand, but also to make sure the company is making profit. 8. Knowledge management can shorten the required time for new product development. Hence, it will help increase the overall performance of new product development. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程) 109363036 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109363036 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202200627 |
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