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    Title: 發展援助與女性賦權: 以美國對菲律賓援助之後殖民女性主義分析為例
    Development Aid and Women`s Empowerment: A postcolonial feminist analysis of US aid to the Philippines
    Authors: 潘錦颯
    Penn, Jessica
    Contributors: 魏玫娟
    Mei-Chuan Wei
    Penn, Jessica
    Keywords: 後殖民女性主義
    Postcolonial feminism
    Development aid
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-07-01 16:33:11 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本論文旨在透過訪談與次級資料分析探討美國開發總署提供給菲律賓的農業發展計畫對該國從事農業相關勞務工作之女性的影響,試圖探究這些農業發展計畫有助於女性賦權或甚至反過來讓女性更為弱勢。本研究採取後殖民女性主義框架進行分析,因為後殖民女性主義有助於同時批評地檢視殖民遺緒的影響與後殖民國家父權結構對性別平等之影響,以期藉由本研究針對美國對外發展援助計畫對受援國女性之影響的相關討論,包括發展研究學術界、在地與國際發展援助機構對發展與性別、發展援助與性別之討論與政策制訂有所貢獻。具體地說,後殖民女性主義分析框架一方面有助於我們批判地檢視美國在菲律賓進行之農業發展援助計畫是否仍舊帶有類似殖民的影響,以及這些計畫是否以及如何影響菲律賓女性。根據本研究分析結果,儘管美國開發總署的提供給菲律賓的農業發展援助計畫實行的結果,能夠使參與計畫的個別菲律賓女性感受到賦勸,這些計畫並無法適切地改變或該國經濟結構對女性壓迫的本質。
    Through interviews and secondary data analysis, this thesis seeks to examine the impacts of USAID agricultural development projects on Philippine women, focusing on analyzing if these projects empower or disempower these women. A postcolonial feminist framework is adopted in this research to critically examine the impacts of the United States’ colonial legacy in the Philippines regarding USAID agricultural development projects and the patriarchal structure already existing in the country. This research is therefore expected to contribute to discussions about the impact of donor countries/ agencies on women and gender equality in recipient countries, including discussions centering on development and gender, development aid and gender equality, and policy debates among practitioners of development aid agencies. This thesis concludes that while USAID agricultural development projects have the ability to make individual women feel empowered, these projects are not able to adequately change or challenge the underlying economic structures that oppress women.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109862018
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202200633
    Appears in Collections:[國際研究英語碩士學位學程] 學位論文

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