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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/140717

    Title: 資源效應:社會企業如何轉化資源以回應制約
    Resource Effectuation: Converting resources for responding constraints in social enterprises
    Authors: 賴會欣
    Lai, Hui-Hsin
    Contributors: 蕭瑞麟
    Hsiao, Ruey-Lin
    Lai, Hui-Hsin
    Keywords: 社會企業
    Social enterprise
    Resource conversion
    Stretching effect
    Antagonistic effect
    Leveraging effect
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-07-01 16:32:45 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 社會企業要平衡使命與獲利,在解決社會問題的同時有穩定收入能支持營運,但多數社會企業面臨資源匱乏的情境,包含少資源、負資源與亂資源,如何能夠生存下來並持續推動使命,成了重要的課題。隨創理論強調在劣勢下要能善用手邊資源進行創新,然而,資源在過程中如何轉化並產生創新價值,是過去研究較少討論的。本論文透過研究茶籽堂、甘樂文創、鮮乳坊三個案例,分析其中制約、資源轉化過程與隨創成果,進而調查如何讓資源產生多元的效果、如何處理負資源,以及如何解決系統性問題。觀念上,本研究提出了資源水平延展與垂直延展的原則、複數拮抗資源的轉化,以及資源槓動系統的過程。實務上,本研究提供三個資源轉化的作法,包含資源延展效應、資源拮抗效應、資源槓桿效應。如此,制約之於社會企業不再是阻力,而是為資源注入新能量的助力。
    Social enterprises should find a way to balance mission and profit, while solving social problems. However, most social enterprises suffered a range of constraints, such as confronting insufficient resources, negative resources and sophisticated problems. The survival of social enterprises is a premise to sustain their social mission. To survive in disadvantageous circumstances, prior theories on bricolage suggests that resources making-do could prompt creative resolutions. However, how resources are converted and how their values are recreated are less-explored in the previous research. This study examines three social enterprises supported by the coroporate citizenship project in DBS, including the cases of Cha Tzu Tang, CAN (Cultural Art and Nature) and Pure Milk. The goal is to analyze constraints facing these social enteprises and inspect patterns of resource conversion so as to explore new practices of bricolage. Theoretically, this research investigates how to effectuate resources for multiple uses, how to convert negative resources for new values, and how to resolve systemic problems by leveraging limited resources. It elaborates the horizontal and vertical stretching of resources, the conversion of antagonistic resources, and the leveraging of inadequate resources. Practically, this research suggests three creative approaches to resource deployment. Stretching effect facilitates resource expansion for multiple applications. Antagonistic effect encourages the converion of negative resources in order to support creative resolutions. Leveraging effect attempts to identify the least resistance path so that minimum resources could generate maximum influences. By so doing, constraints could be considered less as a pessimistic resistance, but more of a generative resource. The key to adversary innovation thus lies in injecting new capacity into mobilized resources to create wealth.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109364204
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202200651
    Appears in Collections:[科技管理與智慧財產研究所] 學位論文

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