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Title: | 擴增實境行銷方式對消費者購買意願的影響——以淘寶AR試妝功能為例 The Impact of Augmented Reality Marketing on Consumers` Purchase Intention — The TAM Analysis of Taobao Augmented Reality Makeup Test Function |
Authors: | 陳蕾津 Chen, Lei-Jin |
Contributors: | 許牧彥 My-Yen Hsu 陳蕾津 Chen, Lei-Jin |
Keywords: | 擴增實境 TAM模型 使用態度 購買意願 Augmented Reality TAM model Using attitude Purchase intention |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-07-01 16:31:39 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 在網路電商的快速發展下,線上購物與人們的日常生活息息相關,隨著線上購物的發展完善,也出現了獨特的電商生態鏈。此外2020年新冠疫情爆發導致愈來愈多人選擇線上購物,因大環境的改變刺激著網路電商的不斷發展與創新。為順應急遽變化的市場環境,及需要滿足消費者的需求,要在這疫情環境下得以脫穎而出,阿里巴巴旗下的淘寶APP於2019年將擴增實境技術與線上購物進行融合。然而,對於淘寶這一技術融合至線上購物,在不同線上購物經驗的消費者中仍不知效果為何,且新型技術應用應用於日常生活接受程度是否會影響消費意願,故本研究期望透過研究不同經驗人群對在淘寶引入AR技術後其購買產品意願影響程度,並透過TAM模型探討消費者的使用態度、購買意願間關係影響,驗證新技術融入線上購物成效,提出相關論點與建議,據此提供相關單位決策參考。 本研究採用滾雪球的方式進行問卷調查,針對大陸地區的年輕消費者進行調查研究。本研究將受測者依照淘寶購買經驗、淘寶AR線上試妝功能使用經驗、淘寶AR線上試妝功能使用意願進行樣本群組篩選,確定分組。結果發現:所有實驗組別中,知覺有用性對於使用AR線上試妝功能的使用態度有正向影響;知覺趣味性對於知覺有用性有顯著影響;知覺趣味性對於使用AR線上試妝功能的使用態度有正向影響;知覺趣味性對於淘寶線上購買口紅產品的購買意願有正向影響。具有淘寶使用經驗實驗組別中知覺有用性對於淘寶線上購買口紅產品的購買意願有正向影響;消費者使用AR線上試妝功能的使用態度對於淘寶線上購買口紅產品的購買意願有正向的影響。 With the rapid development of online e-commerce, online shopping is closely related to people`s daily life. With the development and improvement of online shopping, a unique e-commerce ecological chain has emerged. In addition, the outbreak of the new crown epidemic in 2020 has led to more and more people choosing to shop online, and the changes in the general environment have stimulated the continuous development and innovation of online e-commerce. In order to adapt to the rapidly changing market environment and the need to meet the needs of consumers, to stand out in this epidemic environment, Alibaba`s Taobao APP will integrate augmented reality technology with online shopping in 2019. However, for the integration of Taobao technology into online shopping, consumers with different online shopping experience still do not know what the effect is, and whether the application of new technology in daily life will affect the acceptance of consumption, so this research hopes to study different The degree of influence of experienced people on their willingness to purchase products after the introduction of AR technology in Taobao, and the relationship between consumers` attitudes and purchase intentions through the TAM model, to verify the effectiveness of new technologies integrated into online shopping, and to put forward relevant arguments and suggestions. Provide decision-making reference for relevant units. This research uses a snowball method to conduct a questionnaire survey, and conducts research on young consumers in mainland China. In this study, subjects were screened for sample groups according to their purchase experience on Taobao, experience in using Taobao AR online makeup test function, and their willingness to use Taobao AR online makeup test function to determine groupings. The results showed that: in all experimental groups, perceived usefulness had a positive impact on the use attitude of using the AR online makeup test function; perceived interestingness had a significant impact on perceived usefulness; perceived interestingness had a positive impact on the use of the AR online makeup test function. Attitude has a positive impact; perceived fun has a positive impact on the purchase intention of lipstick products online on Taobao. Perceived usefulness in the experimental group with Taobao experience has a positive impact on the purchase intention of lipstick products online on Taobao; the attitude of consumers to use the AR online makeup test function has a positive effect on the purchase intention of lipstick products online on Taobao direction impact. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 科技管理與智慧財產研究所 108364137 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108364137 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202200624 |
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