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    Title: 教師全球素養教育能力指標建構之研究
    A Study on Construction of Indicators for Teachers’ Ability in Global Competence Education .
    Authors: 阮宇萱
    Juan, Yu-Hsuan
    Contributors: 郭昭佑
    Guo, Chao-yu
    Juan, Yu-Hsuan
    Keywords: 全球素養
    Global competence
    Global competence education,
    Fuzzy Delphi method
    Analytic Hierarchy Process
    Indicator construction
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-07-01 16:29:53 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在建構我國教師全球素養教育能力指標及權重體系,讓教師在推動
    本研究採用模糊德懷術,以全球素養教育相關領域的學者專家、教師及行政機關人員共計 12 人為研究對象,建構教師全球素養教育能力指標體系,最後再以層級分析法進行相對權重問卷調查,透過 Expert Choice 2000 軟體進行統計分析以建立各項指標之權重。根據本研究之結果與分析,歸納其結論如下:
    The purpose of this research is to construct the indicator and weight system of teachers’ ability in global competence education in my country, so that teachers can have a clear reference basis and implementation guidelines when promoting global competence education, so that global competence education can be carried out smoothly.
    This research adopts the Fuzzy Delphi Method and takes 12 scholars, experts, teachers and administrative personnel in the related fields of global competence education as the
    research to construct the indicator system of teachers` global competence education ability. Finally, the relative weight questionnaire survey with Analytic Hierarchy
    Process was conducted, supplemented by statistical analysis with software Expert Choice 2000 to establish the weight of various indicators. The conclusions are summarized as follows:
    1. In this study, 27 indicators, 9 dimensions, and 3 levels of ability in global competence education for teachers were established.
    2. Among the 3 levels of ability in global competence education for teachers, the importance is ranked as "teaching skills", "teaching knowledge", and "teaching
    3. Among the 9 dimensions of ability in global competence education for teachers, the top three dimensions are "teaching ability with global competence ","knowledge
    connotation with global vision", and "positive attitude towards multiculturalism".
    4. Among the 27 indicators of ability in global competence education for teachers, the top three indicators are "being able to integrate global issues and perspectives into
    the curriculum","being able to adopt innovative teaching strategies to guide students to learn about global issues",and "understanding international trends and issues".
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109171002
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202200669
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