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Title: | 不同世代公務人員工作投入與工作動機之差異-以年金改革認知為中介變項 The Variation of Different Generation on Job Involvement and Work Motivation: Using Perception on Pension Reform as the Mediator |
Authors: | 藍令洋 Lan, Lin-Yang |
Contributors: | 董祥開 Dong, Hsiang-Kai 藍令洋 Lan, Lin-Yang |
Keywords: | 年金改革 公平認知 內容認知 工作投入 工作動機 Pension reform Fairness awareness Content awareness Job involvement Work motivation |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-07-01 16:28:08 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 我國退休撫卹制度在民國84年7月1日,從恩給制改為共同提撥制並成立公務人員退休撫卹基金,由公務人員及政府共同提撥退撫經費,而隨著政治、經濟環境的更迭,退撫基金歷經數次改革。近幾年,人口結構更趨高齡化,退休人數持續累增,導致政府與退撫基金經費支出壓力遽增;退撫基金的長期不足額提撥,使政府與退撫基金財務收支面臨挑戰,為使基金能夠永續,在107年7月1日實施公務人員年金改革。這波改革有如海嘯般席捲而來,不論已退休、即將退休、在職的公務人員或初入公部門的新進人員,都受到這波浪潮不同程度的衝擊,也實質影響不同世代公務人員的工作動機與工作投入。因此本研究旨在藉由量化及質化分析,探討年金改革認知對公部門各世代公務人員的工作動機及工作投入產生之影響,期能在年金改革退休待遇減少,且未能以外在報酬激勵公務人員的情形下,找出提升工作動機及投入之可行方式。 本研究以法務部矯正署全體公務人員為研究對象進行問卷普查及深度訪談,研究結果顯示,第一,年輕與中間世代之工作動機及投入均顯著高於資深世代,其中主管職的工作動機與工作投入程度高於非主管職、已婚者的工作動機高於未婚者。第二,越年長的世代,年金改革公平認知程度越低,但年金改革內容認知程度越高,反之亦然。第三,年金改革公平認知對工作動機及工作投入呈現正向顯著影響,而年金改革內容認知對工作動機及工作投入呈現負向顯著影響。第四,年金改革公平認知在世代與工作動機之間存在「部分中介效果」,在世代與工作投入之間存在「完全中介效果」,此外,年金改革內容認知在世代與工作動機及工作投入之間不存在中介效果。本研究將依據上開研究發現進行討論,並提出實務及研究建議,作為未來政策修訂及學術之參考。 The superannuation retirement system was turned into contribution plan, and the Public Service Pension Fund Management Board was established in July 1, 1995. From then on, public servants and the government need to contribute retirement fund together. The political and economic environment has changed a lot, especially the recent years, population structure got much older, and the number of retirement public servants got higher. This made retirement fund difficult to make ends meet, so the retirement system was forced to be reformed in 2018. The pensioner, public servants getting retired, the middle-aged and the newbies to the government were all influenced by the reform, and their work motivation and job involvement were negatively affected. Therefore, this research was aimed to explore the influence of pension reform awareness on different public servant generation through quantitative and qualitative research methods, and to find out some available strategies to motivate their work motivation and job involvement without material rewards. The object of this research was the public servants who worked at Agency of Corrections, Ministry of Justice and the test instrument employed in this research was questionnaire and interview. Firstly, the results showed that the young and mid-aged generation’s work motivation and job involvement were significantly higher than the elder generation; moreover, supervisors were higher than non-supervisors, and the married were higher than the unmarried. Secondly, the older the generation was, the lower fairness awareness was, but the higher content awareness was, and it was also true in the opposite order. Thirdly, fairness awareness had significant positive effects on work motivation and job involvement, whereas content awareness had significant negative effects on work motivation and job involvement. Fourth, fairness awareness had partial intermediary effect between generation and work motivation, and fairness awareness had full intermediary effect between generation and job involvement as well. In addition, content awareness had no intermediary effect between generation and work motivation or job involvement. This research was aimed to discuss and to put forward practical suggestions as a reference according to the above findings. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 108921002 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108921002 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202200664 |
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