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Title: | 基層警察人員組織正義認知因素之研究:司法院釋字第760號為例 A Resarch of Cognitive Factors of Police Officers` Organizational Justice: Taking the Judicial Yuan Interpretation No. 760 as an example |
Authors: | 宋采穎 Song, Chai-Ying |
Contributors: | 詹中原 傅凱若 宋采穎 Song, Chai-Ying |
Keywords: | 第760號釋字 基層警察人員 組織正義 陞遷公平 Judicial Yuan Interpretation No.760 Grassroots police officers Organizational justice Perception of promotion Fairness |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-07-01 16:24:14 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 2018年1月26日司法院第760號釋字作成後,為因應釋字而成立警佐第四類班,該班期受訓人數將有5000多名基層警察人員,並使其擁有符合陞遷巡官資格。然而警察組織的每年巡官缺額大約500至600名,就現有警察編制而言,無法進行如此龐大人數之巡官派任,因而導致目前基層警察人員晉升至巡官之內部陞遷管道難以分發巡官,包括警大二技班與完成受訓之警佐第一、二、三、四類班等人員皆受到影響。故本研究旨在探討警大二技班與警佐第一、二、三、四類班人員基於受到的陞遷制度安排產生之陞遷公平認知,以及分析上述班期人員對於所處的組織脈絡產生之組織正義認知因素。再者,透過瞭解警察組織在實務上處理巡官缺額不足問題上所面臨的課題與困境,以找尋可行的政策方案與建議。
本研究採用混合研究方法,在量化研究中透過網路問卷調查方式,共回收784份有效問卷,樣本資料透過SPSS 21統計分析軟體後,發現警大二技班與警佐第一、二、三、四類班之人員的整體陞遷公平認知程度並不高。在質化研究中透過開放式問卷與次級資料的蒐集調查,以MAXQDA 2022質化軟體進行資料的歸納與分析後,透過組織正義理論相關觀點,探討不同類別班期之基層警察人員對於組織公平正義認知因素。此外,警察組織在面對巡官缺額不足之實務運作狀況中,不同類別班期人員表示現今基層警察人員因陞遷管道不暢通而缺乏陞遷機會。因此透過本研究的調查結果,建議實務機關可透過建立專案管理模式、強化組織溝通、推動跨域協調合作、落實多元化管理、充實內部文宣與高階教育訓練等方式,期望組織能夠在處理巡官缺額不足問題的過程中,除了追求效率之外,也更能夠將公平正義價值作為政策制定之重要價值考量,進而幫助基層警察人員提升對於組織的公平正義認知程度,並促使警察政策之推行更加順利。 On January 26, 2018, Judicial Yuan Interpretation No.760 was completed, the fourth type of class for grassroots police officers to have a promotion was established in Central Police University in response to the interpretation. There will be more than 5,000 grassroots police officers trained in this class, and then they will be qualified for promotion as Sub-Lieutenants. However, there are about 500 to 600 Sub-Lieutenants vacancies in police organization per year on average, which are not enough for more than 5,000 grassroots police officers having been trained to get promoted. Besides, other classes including the first, second, third, fourth type of classes and two-year education classes for grassroots police officers in Central Police University are affected. Therefore, the purpose of this resarch is to explore the perception of fairness in promotion system in the first, second, third, fourth type of classes and two-year education for grassroots police officers in Central Police University. Besides, this resarch would analyze the organizational justice cognitive factors of the above-mentioned classes in their organizational context. By knowing the dilemmas of the insufficient vacancies of Sub-Lieutenant, this resarch would provide some feasible solutions and advice in police policy.
This resarch adopts a mixed research method. In the quantitative research, there are collecting 784 valid questionnaires. Then using SPSS Statistics 21 to analyze data, and it is found that overall perceptions of promotion fairness among the above-mentioned classes are not high. In the qualitative research, it collects and investigates the open-ended questionnaires and secondary data, and uses MAXQDA 2022 qualitative software to summarize and analyze the qualitative data. It adopts the perspectives related to the theory of organizational justice to discuss about grassroots police officers in different types of classes, whose factors of organizational justice perceptions. In addition, it is also found that the insufficient vacancies of Sub-Lieutenant situation in the operation of police organizations. Grassroots police officers in different types of classes are in lack of good promotion path. Therefore, through the results of this resarch, it is recommended that practical organization could establish a project management, strengthen organizational communication, promote cross-boundary coordination and cooperation, implement diversified management, enrich publicity, advance education and training in police organizations. In addition to help grassroots police officers to improve their organizational justice cognitive, this research hopes to promote the implementation of police policies more successfully in the police organization. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 公共行政學系 107256035 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107256035 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202200483 |
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