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Title: | 從行政任務履行之觀點論行政正確性之法學意義 ──以電網擴建規劃法制為例 Analyzing the Jurisprudential Significance of Rightness from the Perspective of Fulfilling Administrative Tasks: Focusing on Grid Expansion Planning Legal System |
Authors: | 林家妤 Lin, Chia-Yu |
Contributors: | 詹鎮榮 Chan, Chen-Jung 林家妤 Lin, Chia-Yu |
Keywords: | 行政法革新 行政正確性 良好行政 軟法 行政法體系 目的合理性 計畫形成自由 衡量 規劃法制 電網擴建 The reform of administrative jurisprudence Rightness Good Administration Soft Law Administrative law system Instrumental Rationality Discretionary planning power Weighing and balancing Planning legal system Grid expansion |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-07-01 16:22:02 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 2022年3月3日全台大停電事件,使得電網議題成為社會矚目之焦點。由經濟部所提出303停電事故檢討報告尤可看出,在電網過度集中危及電力供應之下,電網擴建或許是我國電力政策之所趨。此不禁令人思考,法制上是否存在什麼樣的制度,能盡可能確保電網擴建以貼合實際需要、減少對第三人與環境之影響、避免人民抗爭、在時間與費用支出上有效率等良善的方式進行規劃?就此,相較於歷來計畫行政法文獻多著重介紹計畫確定制度以及行政計畫之司法審查,國內已有論者強調規劃行政程序在保障當事人權利之外,所具有之取得決策所需資訊、強化行政決定可接受度以及避免後續爭訟之法治意義。此一論述與台、德行政法學界主要針對行政法總論所開啟的行政法革新研究有異曲同工之妙,蓋因後者乃是以行政任務與正確性為關鍵詞,強調行政法不能僅從個人權利保護之觀點加以理解,尚必須將法學觸角延伸至法院所不能及之無數多面利益衝突關係。基於此一觀察,本文旨在從履行行政任務之觀點,探討規劃法制應如何對公行政規整利益之工作提供框架與指引,以助正確行政計畫之做成;特別是欲以電網擴建規劃為例,觀察德國相關規劃法制所能為我國提供之借鏡。在此一研究問題下,本文將依序探討正確性在行政法學上之意義、行政任務履行觀點下行政法學之面貌,接著從行政法革新研究之脈絡分析規劃法制應有之規整、以德國電網擴建專業規劃法制為借鏡觀察具體之法制設計,而後再檢視我國電網擴建規劃法制、指出其不足之處,並嘗試提出制度修正之建議。 The March 3 blackout in Taiwan has brought the issue of the power grid to the forefront of society. In particular, the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) has proposed a review of the blackout incident, which shows that grid expansion may be the trend of our electricity policy, as the overly concentrated power grid endangers electricity supply. This has led to the question of whether there is a legal system in place to ensure that grid expansion is planned in the best possible way to meet actual needs, minimize the impact on third parties and the environment, avoid protests, and be efficient in terms of time and cost, etc. In this regard, while previous literature focuses mostly on the Planning Finalization Legal System and judicial review of administrative projects, there is advocate in Taiwan emphasizing the significance of the administrative planning process in protecting the rights of the parties, as well as in obtaining information necessary for decision-making, enhancing the acceptability of administrative decisions, and avoiding subsequent litigation. This argument is similar to the study of the reform of administrative jurisprudence in Taiwan and Germany, which uses administrative tasks and rightness as key words to emphasize that administrative law cannot be understood only from the perspective of individual rights protection, but should also extend its jurisprudential reach to the numerous and multifaceted conflicting interests that are beyond the reach of the courts. Based on this observation, this paper aims to explore, under the prospective of performing administrative tasks, how the planning legal system provides a framework and guidance for the public administration in its efforts to regulate interests and facilitates proper administrative planning; in particular, it aims to focus on the planning of power grid expansion and observe what the German planning legal system can bring to our country. Under this topic, this paper will explore the meaning of rightness in administrative jurisprudence, shape the legal landscape of administrative jurisprudence from the viewpoint of performing administrative tasks, analyze the proper regulation of the planning legal system in the context of administrative jurisprudence reform, and take a closer look at German grid expansion legal system as an example. It will then review the legal system of grid expansion planning in Taiwan, point out its shortcomings, and try to propose some suggestions to amend it. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 法律學系 108651013 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108651013 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202200599 |
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