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    Title: 中國遊戲產業的挑戰與分析
    How China’s growing interest on video games is challenging for the gaming industry
    Authors: 雨果
    LAKOMSKY, Hugo
    Contributors: 冷則剛
    Leng, Tse-Kang
    Keywords: 電玩遊戲
    Video games
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-07-01 16:18:23 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: Video games have become a cultural product that have not stopped to grow since their invention and are now the first cultural product in front of cinema. China being the biggest country in terms of video games revenues, it thus plays a big role in the industry. However, China is also home of the Chinese Communist Party, which means that the video games industry must follow the country’s best interests in order to survive in this specific ecosystem: culture is a tool to the Chinese nation, video games are thus no exception, especially since they have been considered as art by the Chinese government in 2021. This thus accounts even more for the recent multiple crackdowns on video games and esports which might hurt the industry locally, but also globally. Still, giving up on the Chinese market is not a solution for companies as China’s gaming industry is set to grow at an even higher pace than before, with mobile gaming, esports and even console gaming rising although the restrictions are gradually getting tougher than before. That being said, gaming companies must remain careful when dealing with the Chinese market: it is highly unpredictable as the Party will always put the nation’s culture and social security first before economic growth; it has become even more true since COVID as the country has closed itself for more than two years. It is thus a big challenge – as a threat, but also as an opportunity – for gaming companies.
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