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    Title: 國際企業在高風險國家的管理研究_以緬甸市場為例
    International Enterprise Management in a High-Risk Country_The Case Study of Myanmar
    Authors: 房嘉麗
    Fang, Chia-Li
    Contributors: 譚丹琪
    Tan, Dan-Chi
    Fang, Chia-Li
    Keywords: 國際貿易的不確定性
    Uncertainties in international business
    Risk management
    Core capability of enterprise
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-07-01 16:01:37 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 國際貿易是把雙面刃,它會帶來利益及風險,因此企業要在高風險國家獲利是不容易的,擁有在惡劣環境下的生存能力是關鍵。本文基於學者對企業在國際貿易營運上所面臨的不確定性及其管理方法的研究成果上,以緬甸為目標市場,馬哈林特為研究對象進行訪談,分析馬哈林特在外資紛紛撤出的緬甸市場,依然維持獲利的能力及原因。結論為,透過分析加上前人的研究成果得出,馬哈林特在緬甸市場獲利關鍵為其對緬甸市場的了解、自給自足能力及有餘裕資源可調節,且採用控制、模仿、高彈性的公司策略,所以可在逆境中獲利。
    International trade brings benefits and risks in the meantime; therefore, it isn’t easy to gain profits in high-risk countries. With that being said, the ability to survive in harsh environments is the key. Based on the research of integrated risk management in international business, this thesis takes Myanmar as the target market and Mahar Lin Htet as the research object and do the interview to analyze Mahar Lin Htet’s success while lots of foreign capital be withdrawn. Through analysis, the finding suggests that the key to Mahar Lin Htet’s profit in Myanmar lies in its understanding of the market, self-sufficiency ability, surplus resources to adjust, and the use of control, imitation, high flexibility company strategies.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109351036
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202200677
    Appears in Collections:[國際經營與貿易學系 ] 學位論文

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