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    Title: 職場情緒勒索後果之探討
    Consequences of workplace emotional blackmail
    Authors: 陳燕諭
    Chen, Yen-Yu
    Contributors: 胡昌亞
    Hu, Changya
    Chen, Yen-Yu
    Keywords: 職場情緒勒索
    workplace emotional blackmail
    scale development
    reliability and validity
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-07-01 15:57:32 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 職場情緒勒索(workplace emotional blackmail) 能對員工的態度與行為產生負向的影響,近年來受到學界與業界的重視。然而,職場情緒勒索此構念仍無共識,也缺乏一個具有良好心理計量特質之測量工具,使得該構念面臨建構效度的挑戰。有鑑於此,本研究欲釐清職場情緒勒索之定義與內涵,並發展測量工具,以提供其構念效度之證據。本研究依循Hinkin(1998)的量表發展歷程,以三個研究進行量表發展。研究一至研究三確立職場情緒勒索為情緒導向之影響戰術,且包含「威脅導向」及「懇求導向」兩個向度。研究四則發現職場情緒勒索對主管忠誠及主管認同有顯著關係,且具有遞增效度。研究五採用經驗抽樣法(experience sampling method, ESM)進行研究,根據多層次分析結果,主管參照權會調節懇求導向情緒勒索透過恐懼感受進而影響順從行為的間接關係。最後,本研究對未來職場情緒勒索研究的發展進行討論。
    In recent years, workplace emotional blackmail, which may be harmful to employee attitudes and behaviors, has received considerable attention from academia and industry. However, the workplace emotional blackmail construct remains lack of a clear definition and a measure with good psychometric properties. To address these issues, I attempted to define workplace emotional blackmail as an emotion-based influence tactic and developed a measurement based on Hinkin’s (1998) scale development approach. Studies One to Three showed that emotional blackmail has are two distinct forms, intimidation and appealing. Study Four findings indicated that workplace emotional blackmail significantly related to employees’ loyalty to supervisor and supervisor identification and showed the scale has incremental validity. Study Five used the experience sampling method (ESM) to collect daily data. The multi-level analyses results found that supervisor referent power moderated the indirect relationship between appealing-oriented emotional blackmail and fear, which then affect employee compliance. Finally, I discussed the future research direction of workplace emotional blackmail.
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    Description: 博士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107355507
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202200465
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