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    Title: 中國大陸農村文化治理之研究:以湖州市農村文化禮堂為例
    Cultural Governance in Rural Mainland China: The Case of Rural Cultural Auditorium in Huzhou
    Authors: 史浩然
    Shi, Hao-Ran
    Contributors: 冷則剛
    Leng, Tse-Kang
    Shi, Hao-Ran
    Keywords: 文化治理
    Rural cultural governance
    Rural cultural auditorium
    Rural traditional culture
    Political function
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-05-02 15:04:02 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 中國大陸基層治理受到學界的廣泛關注,然而農村文化治理的相關文獻則不多見。文化禮堂的建設於2013年由浙江省委宣傳部提出後,便成為農村重點工作之一。文化禮堂以農村傳統文化與主流文化為要素,通過布展與活動,吸引村民聚集到文化禮堂,向村民提供一系列公共文化服務,豐富村民的日常生活。本文以浙江省湖州市農村文化禮堂的建設為個案,透過檢視既有文獻與田野調查,展示文化禮堂的全貌,瞭解多元治理主體的行為方式、互動關係和角色定位,探討農村文化治理的性質與轉變。不同於過往中國大陸基層治理的文獻,本研究發現政治功能是農村文化治理的核心,政府是以文化禮堂為平台的農村文化治理過程中的主導者,不過具體的實行過程則被包裝成「自下而上」的治理模式。此外本研究指出了一種新型的基層治理途徑,即政府主導的治理模式與在地特殊的人文歷史結合,突出了傳統文化的重要性。
    Chinese grassroots governance has received extensive attention from scholars, but there are few relevant literatures on rural cultural governance. After the construction of the rural cultural auditorium was proposed by the Publicity Department of Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee in 2013, it has become one of the major tasks in rural areas of Zhejiang. The rural cultural auditorium is based on traditional rural culture and mainstream culture. Through exhibitions and activities, it attracts villagers to gather in the rural cultural auditorium, provides a series of public cultural services to the villagers, and enriches the daily life of the villagers. Using rural cultural auditorium in Huzhou as a case study, this article seeks to present the whole picture of the rural cultural auditorium, and understand the behaviors, interaction and role positioning of multiple governance subjects, and explore the changes in rural cultural governance. Different from the previous literature on grassroots governance in mainland China, this article finds that the political function is the core of rural cultural governance, and the government is the main actor in the rural cultural governance with the rural cultural auditorium as the platform, but the implementation process is packaged as a "bottom-up" approach. In addition, this article points out a new grassroots governance approach, that is, the combination of government-led governance models and local humanity history, emphasizing the importance of rural traditional culture.
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