Abstract: | 在敦煌寫卷中抄錄了許多關係著「出家」的讚歌,可作為探討當時如何透過詠歌吟唱,以主導出家、共修、應俗設教等行儀,並傳播或強化信念的線索。而讚歌抄寫於卷上的方式、位置,乃至於連結其他讚歌或文書的「原生態」樣貌,可以說就是掌握這些線索的關鍵,故有逐卷進行檢索、敘錄、分析、探究的價值與必要性。因此,本文即針對每個抄有「出家」類讚歌的寫卷予以獨立看待,進行探究。並依照泛出家讚(如:辭娘、出家、送師、辭道場讚)聯繫組、「入山讚文」(〈早出纏〉、〈樂入山〉、〈樂住山〉讚歌組)、泛出家讚與「入山讚文」聯抄組、泛出家讚或「入山讚文」獨與其他讚歌聯抄、僅見單一讚歌卷等類型,逐類逐卷分析、探究。以指出各篇讚歌在不同寫卷的樣貌與其他文獻的聯繫關係,並推究出不同寫卷的抄寫因緣與具體應用的多種可能性,有助於明瞭當時佛教讚歌於法事運用、傳達義理與化導群情的實際情況,對於探討佛教讚歌發展、諸多法事行儀表現的宗教實際意義而言,都將有所助益。 There are a lot of hymns related with "becoming a monk" in the Dunhuang manuscripts, which can be used as clues to explore how chanting helped new monks to learn Buddhist etiquette of becoming a monk, practicing together and preaching Buddhism to the secular world, and to spread or strengthen beliefs. The way in which these hymns were written and their locations on the manuscripts, as well as the "original" appearance of their relationship with other hymns or documents, are all key to understanding the clues. Therefore, it is worthwhile and necessary to search, record, analyze, and explore each manuscript. With this understanding, this article explores independently each manuscript of "the hymn of becoming a monk." It analyzes the manuscripts by categories of themes such as general hymns of becoming a monk (a group of related hymns including "saying goodbye to mother," "leaving home to practice," "farewell to the teacher," "leaving the practice hall,"etc.) "hymns of entering the temple" (a hymn group including "the unfettering," "the joy of entering the temple," "the joy of living in the temple"), a group of copied hymns that combine general hymns of becoming a monk and "hymns of entering the temple," the general hymns of becoming a monk or "hymns of entering the temple" copied together with other hymns, or individual hymns. Such analysis offers insights into the condition in which the hymns exist in different manuscripts and their relationships with other texts. This research focuses on the various causes for copying and specific applications of different manuscripts. It helps us to understand the actual situation when Buddhist hymns were used during rituals, how they conveyed the Buddhist principles and guided the public sentiment. This paper contributes to the understanding of the development of Buddhist hymns and the performance of many rituals. |