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    Title: 台灣再生能源政策變遷之研究
    A Study on the Change of Taiwan`s Renewable Energy Policy
    Authors: 林宛諭
    Lin, Wan-Yu
    Contributors: 柯玉佳
    Ko, Yu-Chia
    Lin, Wan-Yu
    Keywords: 再生能源政策
    Renewable energy policy
    Incrementalism theory
    Punctuated equilibrium theory
    Institutional friction
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-04-01 15:09:31 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究將預算漸進理論及間斷平衡理論延伸至探討台灣再生能源政策變化及效率。為了檢驗政策輸入及輸出之間的關係,本研究使用西元2007年至2020年行政院經濟部能源局的單位預算資料,及三類能源相關基金預算作為政策輸入指標,以及台灣再生能源發電裝置容量作為政策輸出指標;並使用間斷平衡理論中的組織摩擦要素探討兩者關聯。


    This study extends the theoretical approaches of Incrementalism Theory and Punctuated Equilibrium Theory to investigate Taiwan’s renewable energy policy change and efficiency. To examine the relation between policy input and output, this study uses the 2007 - 2020 budgeting for the Bureau of Energy (the Ministry of Economic Affairs) and three energy-related funds data as input indicators, while Taiwan’s accumulative installed capacity of renewable energy as output indicators. Furthermore, institutional frictions are introduced to describe the relations in between.

    This study adopts descriptive statistics to confirm empirical evidence for stability and punctuality. The results of this study show that all indicators display evidence for different degree of punctual changes in given periods except the unit budgeting of the Bureau of Energy depicts an incremental distribution. There are policy lags existing between input and output indicators, which are elaborated from a qualitative perspective.

    This research thus concludes that applications of Punctuality Equilibrium Theory to non-budgeting dataset. Despite the high attention distributed on the agenda, when related stakeholders failed to provide a consistent external environment, firms encountered obstacles, reducing policy’s efficiency in converting to expected outputs.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108364126
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202200382
    Appears in Collections:[Graduate Institute of TIPM] Theses

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