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Title: | 軍隊組織品牌形象與國軍人才吸引力之研究: 以海軍陸戰隊陸戰66旅為例 A Study on the Brand Image of Armed Force and Organizational Talent Attraction: Using the 66th Brigade of the Marine Corps as an Example. |
Authors: | 童偉松 Tung, Wei-Sung |
Contributors: | 陳敦源 童偉松 Tung, Wei-Sung |
Keywords: | 海軍陸戰隊 品牌 工作與生活平衡 公共服務動機 組織人才吸引力 Marine Corps Brand Work-life Balance Public Service Motivation Organizational Talent Attraction |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-04-01 15:07:51 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在探討影響組織人才吸引力之因素,以海軍陸戰隊現役士兵及未服役的青年學生作為樣本,探討軍隊組織的品牌形象是否能夠明確的影響國軍人才吸引力,以此來研究提升組織人才吸引力的策略,藉由網路問卷的調查,總計回收有效問卷為現役士兵252份、社會青年241份共計493份,利用兩不同背景的樣本來探討其對於海軍陸戰隊品牌形象、個人其他求職考量及組織人才吸引力的認知差異,並比較品牌形象與個人其他求職考量(工作與生活平衡、公共服務動機、薪資待遇及親友影響)對於軍隊組織人才吸引力何者具備更顯著的影響。 研究發現如下: (一)現役士兵及社會青年對海軍陸戰隊品牌形象認知無顯著差異,多是為正面的,且品牌形象對於組織人才吸引力具有顯著的正向影響,意即當組織形象越好其組織人才吸引力就相對性的提高。 (二)現役士兵及社會青年在個人其他求職考量對認知於工作與生活平衡、公共服務動機及親友影響具備顯著差異;對於組織人才吸引力之相關性,在兩群體間「個人其他求職考量」整體構面與「組織人才吸引力」均呈現顯著的正相關,而在其次構面對兩群體產生不同的效果。 (三)不同的人口統計變項對組織人才吸引力在兩群體間僅部分影響。 研究結果顯示,兩群體對於品牌形象都具備正向的認知,且品牌形象對組織人才吸引力都有顯著的影響,且品牌形象對於組織人才吸引力影響程度高於個人其他求職考量。 This study aims to explore the possible influential factors in organizational attractiveness by taking Marine Corps active-duty soldiers and young students who have not yet served in the army as the two target groups to discuss in-depth whether the Taiwanese military force`s brand image can affect the attractiveness of talents recruitment. The quantitative survey is used as the principal research approach to find out which factors significantly impact the current and potential recruit to join the Marine Corp. The questionnaire is designed to collect data from two targeted groups to confer the cognitive difference in brand image, personal job preference, organizational attractiveness. Personal job preference can also be subdivided into work-life balance, public service motivation, salary and person`s social environment. The overall recovery of the questionnaire is as follows: 493 valid questionnaires were collected throughout the whole study. In addition, 252 valid questionnaires were collected from active-duty soldiers, and 241 valid questionnaires were conducted from young people who are not serving in the army yet. The main results in this paper are as follows : 1. There is no significant difference in the Marine Corps brand image among active-duty soldiers and youths not yet serving in the army. Both target groups have a positive image of the Marine Corps. The study shows that a positive brand image can positively impact talent recruitment; also, It can be inferred that Organizational image is proportional to talent attractiveness. 2.There is a substantial cognitive difference in two target groups’s perception of work-life balance, public service motivations, and person’s social environment between Marine Corp active-duty soldiers and youths who are not yet serving in the army. The first thing to be mentioned is the remarkable positive correlation between the "organizational attractiveness to talents" and the "personal job preference". The second positive correlation can be seen between "public service motivation" and "salary”. 3.Although the two target groups have different backgrounds, there is no difference in their perception of organizational attractiveness. Especially when both groups have a positive brand image towards the Marine Corp. In conclusion, this research shows that brand image is the most critical factor for talent recruitment. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 109921318 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109921318 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202200364 |
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