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Title: | 國軍幹部公共服務動機、角色衝突與程序規則對工作績效之影響 The Impacts of Army Leaders` Public Service Motivation, Role Conflict, and Rules of Procedure on Job Performance |
Authors: | 翁明琮 Weng, Ming-Tsung |
Contributors: | 董祥開 Dong, Hsiang-Kai 翁明琮 Weng, Ming-Tsung |
Keywords: | 工作績效 公共服務動機 角色衝突 繁文縟節 有效規則 Job performance Public service motivation Role conflict Red tape Green tape |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-04-01 15:07:31 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著時代的演進,現今的軍隊也被泛稱為廣義的公務員,而公務體系不外乎也就需要龐大的行政文書及業務體系來支撐運作,軍隊如同公務體系一般,也是公文層層堆疊出的工作場域,近十數年來部隊裁撤縮編的組織精簡,人力的使用已不如精實、精進、精粹案前的充裕,大量的要求戰備訓練額外的非本務工作,勢必會壓縮到戰備訓練核心工作的時間及品質,因而使基層幹部產生角色衝突及繁文縟節感知,如何維持及提升基層單位軍士官幹部的工作績效也成為當今刻不容緩的關注焦點。 本研究旨在探討公共服務動機、角色衝突、繁文縟節、有效規則對工作績效之影響,透過配額取樣方式針對某外島步兵單位進行問卷調查,共發出250份問卷,回收250份,有效問卷215份,經過分析結果發現,公共服務動機及有效規則對工作績效有顯著正向影響,因此,發掘、維持及提高幹部的公共服務動機也是其上級領導階層必須認知的知識及未來組織管理方向。除此之外,本研究亦發現,軍士官幹部的角色衝突及繁文縟節感知均屬中上程度,顯見過多的行政文書業務及額外勤務的確使基層營連級軍士官幹部必須在身兼多職的狀況下遂行戰備訓練工作,必須檢討刪除非必要雜務並針對部隊運作相關實務執行滾動式修正,以確保營連級基層單位能在最好的效率下運作。 Changing along with the time, the military comes to be recognized as general civil servants; on the other hand, the public service system is well know as nothing more than the processes of a huge compilation of administrative documents and a complicated administration system to support itself. Therefore, the military shows similarity to the public service system in the redundancy of official documents produced in each work field. In the past ten years, the military went through a series of downsizing process, the Ginshe, Gingin and Gintsue project. In consequence of the reorganization, manpower is not as sufficient as before. However, the large number of non-essential tasks remain required for combat readiness training, which compresses both the time and quality of the core work of combat readiness training and thus causes grass-roots cadres to have role conflicts and red tape perceptions. How to maintain and improve the work performance of non-commissioned officers and cadres in grass-roots units has also become an urgent issue today. The purpose of this study is to explore the impact of public service motivation, role conflict, red tape, and green tape on job performance. A questionnaire survey was conducted in an infantry unit on one of the remote islands of Taiwan through a quota sampling method. A total of 250 questionnaires were sent out, 250 were returned, and 215 were valid. After analysis, it is found that public service motivation and green tape has a significant positive impact on job performance. Further more, exploring, maintaining and even improving subordinate leader`s public service motivation becomes the necessary knowledge that the leadership has to recognize. In addition, this study also found that the role conflict and perception of red tape among leaders are at the middle to high level; the excessive administrative paperwork and extra duties indeed burdened the battalion and company leaders to be forced to multi-task. To carry out combat readiness training under these conditions, it is necessary to review and rule out the non-essentials and implement rolling planning methods to practices related to troop operations to ensure that battalion and company-level can operate at the optimum efficiency. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 109921314 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109921314 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202200374 |
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