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    Title: 從競合理論探討台灣OTT TV業者與內容業者的合作現況與瓶頸
    Authors: 蕭亦庭
    Hsiao, Yi-Ting
    Contributors: 曾國峰
    Hsiao, Yi-Ting
    Keywords: 競合理論
    content production
    capital cycle/profit cycle
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-03-01 18:26:20 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年境外OTT業者不斷通過整併影視資源的方式來建構龐大的競爭優勢,透過大量資金投入內容產製,帶來更大的消費市場,形成正向獲利循環之效益。雖然台灣OTT市場存在諸多商業合作模式,但並未發展出較為緊密且穩定的合作生態圈。因此本研究透過深度訪談業者並結合競合策略來剖析台灣OTT市場的競合動態,以找出OTT市場的合作瓶頸與業者不願深化合作之原因。
    In recent years, overseas OTT operators have been building a huge competitive advantage by merging media resources and investing a large amount of capital in content production, which in turn brings a larger market through original content, forming a positive profit cycle. Although there are many OTT business cooperation models in Taiwan, close partnership and stable cooperation ecosystem has not been formed and developed. Therefore, this study analyzes the co-opetition dynamics of the Taiwan OTT market through in-depth interviews with industry operators and co-opetition strategies to find out the bottlenecks of cooperation in the OTT market and the reasons that industry operators are reluctant to deepen cooperation.
    The study found that it is not that the operators do not cooperate, but that there is a risk of capital circulation dilemma in the market, which makes the operators unsure of whether the capital invested in content production can be effectively recovered. The resulting conservative decision making therefore affects the development of the production side, forming a negative risk cycle. In addition, according to the analysis of this study`s model, operators cooperate in order to reduce costs (C) and increase ultimate profits (P), which means that cooperation does not necessarily create positive cyclical benefits for the industry, but is a means to create benefits. Therefore, this study further summarizes the unresolved pain points of capital cycle benefits in the OTT market, which are: 1) decision makers consider the investment risk too high and difficult to recover; 2) the quality or content of production competes with multinational model production; 3) the popular culture created by Taiwanese dramas and the establishment of viewing habits. Finally, this study suggests that more detailed planning is needed in the future in terms of policy planning with regard to the correlation between capital investment and benefit formation. As for the operation of OTT, both platform side and content production side should establish a consistent consensus on content marketing and operation to form a positive profit cycle in order to jointly build a friendly development environment where cooperation is more important than competition.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107464046
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202200258
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