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    Title: 台灣茶品牌在大陸市場的推廣研究——以王德傳為例
    Research on the Promotion of Taiwan Tea Brand in Mainland Market—A Case Study of Wang Dechuan
    Authors: 胡一涵
    Contributors: 郭貞
    Keywords: 推廣
    Wang Dechuan
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2022-03-01 18:24:42 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本文從台灣茶業的整體背景出發,以王德傳茶莊為具體的事例,探討王德傳 茶莊在大陸市場的推廣。簡要介紹了了台灣茶及其行業逐漸現代化的歷史背景, 接著論述了王德傳茶莊在台灣的發展史,並詳細地論證了王德傳茶莊進入大陸市 場所具有的的優勢與劣勢,以及會面臨的機遇與威脅。最後針對王德傳面臨的推 廣困境,提出了相應的解決辦法,主要是提高自媒體平台宣傳推廣的效力,利用 明星等新興商業宣傳模式,學習和借鑒同領域其他行業的優長,以及利用文化優 勢培育年輕世代的飲茶人。
    This paper, based on the background of Taiwan tea industry, discusses the promotion of Wang Taiwan tea in the Mainland market by taking Wang Dechuan’s tea as a concrete example.This paper will briefly introduces the historical background of the gradual modernization of Taiwan tea and its industry, then it will discuss the development history of Wang Duchuan and the plantation of tea in Taiwan. Next, it will demonstrates in detail the advantages and disadvantages of Wang Dechuan entering the mainland market, as well as the opportunities and threats it will face. Finally, in view of the promotion dilemma faced by Wang Dechuan, solutions will be proposed, which are mainly to improve the effectiveness of publicity and promotion on media platform, to learn from the advantages of other industries in the same field and to cultivate young tea drinkers by taking advantage of its culture.
    Reference: 中文文獻
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106464065
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202200310
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