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    题名: 照明代理商之策略行銷分析-以B公司為例
    Strategic Marketing Analysis of Illumination Agents: A Case Study of Company B
    作者: 林君彥
    Lin, Chun-Yen
    贡献者: 巫立宇

    Wu, Lei-Yu
    Chang, Yuan-Chen

    Lin, Chun-Yen
    关键词: 代理商
    LED Lighting Industry
    Business Model
    4C Framework of Strategic Marketing
    日期: 2022
    上传时间: 2022-03-01 18:24:30 (UTC+8)
    摘要:   LED元件為照明界帶來劃時代的進展,替生活帶來更為低碳節能的「綠色」環境,也為照明產業掀起一陣漣漪。在各大廠牌逐漸掌握技術及控制生產成本的情況下,產業內的競爭氛圍濃厚,隨之而來的便是價格上的相互廝殺。價格不斷地下跌將導致通路階層的加價(Markup)空間縮小,使得產業鏈上的各個要角無不戰戰兢兢。其中,薄利多銷的代理商更是深受影響,不僅上承來自原廠的業績壓力及時刻惦記著被去中間化的風險之外,亦面對來自下游通路商自有品牌崛起的威脅。
    The appearance of LED element has revolutionized the lighting industry. It enables a more efficient way to use energy, creating a low-carbon and green environment for human beings and it has dramatically changed the lighting industry. As the major lighting corporations have gradually mastered the technology and controlling production costs, the industry has a strong competitive atmosphere, and what follows is the fight against each other in prices. The continuous decline of prices will reduce the markup range for the channel, making all key players on the channel jittery. Among them, agents with small profits but quick turnover are deeply affected. They not only undertake the performance pressure from the principal and constantly worry about the risk of being disintermediated, but also face the threat of the private brands from the distributors.
    The foundation of Taiwan’s economy comes from many small and medium-sized enterprises which engaged in international trade. These small and medium-sized enterprises have gradually changed from early traders to agents with the certification from principal, striving to become the right-hands of international brands to expand overseas markets. This study adopts a small and medium-sized illumination agent-Company B as the research object, with conduction in depth interviews through the case study method. It explores how Company B initially evaluated the agency and how Company B formulated effective business model to communicate with customers after the authorization of agency. The study also uses the 4C framework of strategic marketing to deeply explore how Company B reduces transaction costs with customers, thus winning the trust of the principal and the favor of customers. 
    The results of this study show that Company B upholds the faith of integrity, and it not only handles the situation of coopetition (cooperation and competition) with key customers properly, presenting a mutually beneficial and win-win situation, but also consolidates the relationship with the principal through the effectiveness of business development. Company B resolutely relies on the key resources from the international principal and its own outstanding customized services to successfully create value in the fiercely competitive environment. It effectively reduces the cost of utility (Buyer Cost / Buyer Utility), the cost of information searching, the cost of moral hazard, and gradually increases the cost of asset specificity with customers, thus further establishing long-term and comprehensive business partnerships with customers.
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    描述: 碩士
    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109363056
    数据类型: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202200180
    显示于类别:[企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程)] 學位論文


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