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    Title: 點數轉換機制之消費者接受度─以UTAUT2模型及TPE理論分析
    Consumer Acceptance of Points Exchange Mechanism ─ Based on UTAUT2 Model and TPE Theory
    Authors: 李采璇
    Li, Tsai-Hsuan
    Contributors: 洪為璽

    Hung, Wei-Hsi
    Chi, Yen-Ping

    Li, Tsai-Hsuan
    Keywords: 點數
    Points exchange
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2022-03-01 18:22:47 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 台灣點數經濟正在蓬勃發展,並且有明顯的上升趨勢,點數的相關運用成為消費者進行購買行為的重要考量因素。而對於企業而言,除了運用自身的會員系統導入點數增加黏著度外,與其他企業或是跨領域的合作也成為加速創造忠誠顧客的另一個途徑。本研究探討消費者對於點數轉換機制的接受度,以及影響其使用意願與行為的關鍵因素,使用UTAUT2理論並結合TPE模型進行結構方程的建置與分析,新增三個潛在變因,使原模型更加完整,也能更符合點數轉換機制的性質與發展現況,以參考研究結果對業界提供建議,並對後續研究提供指引。

    The reward points economy in Taiwan is booming and on the rise. The points has become an important factor for consumers to consider when purchasing. For enterprises, besides using their own membership systems to increase user stickiness, cooperating with other or even interdisciplinary enterprises is another way to create loyal customers. This study investigates consumers` acceptance of the points exchange mechanism and the key factors that affect their willingness and behavior to use it. This study using UTAUT2 Model combined with TPE Theory to construct and analyze structural equations. Also, adding three new potential variables to make the original model more complete and consistent with the character and development of mechanism, in order to provide suggestions for industry and guidance for subsequent research.

    There are 428 questionnaires were effectively received in this study. These factors include Effort Expectancy, Habit, Hedonic Motivation, Price Value, Relationship Quality and Frequency-based Imitation have positive effects on consumers` intention of using points exchange mechanism. Behavior intention and habit are also showing the same effects. Also, gender and experience have coordination effect on habit and behavior intention. This study also found that consumers use the points exchange mechanism in months, and about 30% of respondent try it on their own initiative. Therefore, those result will be helpful to popularize the demand and help depict the consumer profile of mechanism more clearly in the future.
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