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    Title: 中國收編越南菁英─運用影響力以達地緣政治目的之分析
    Chinese Co-opting of Vietnamese Elites: An Analysis in the Exercise of Influence to Achieve Geopolitical Ends
    Authors: 柏傑宓
    Blaxland, James
    Contributors: 林永芳
    Ling, Yung-Fang
    Blaxland, James
    Keywords: 中國
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-03-01 18:18:54 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著中華人民共和國成為一個日益強大的全球參與者,中國共產黨大幅增加了其影響世界各國菁英的企圖。儘管這是一個有據可查的現象,但有些國家仍對此策略的研究較少。越南儘管是 21 世紀少數幾個名義上屬共產主義的國家之一,且與其強大的北方鄰國有著悠久的交織歷史,越南對於中國是否試著以及如何在該國菁英階級中獲得影響力,仍缺乏相關研究。

    As the People’s Republic of China has become an increasingly powerful global player, the Chinese Communist Party has substantially increased its attempts to influence elites in countries around the world. Though this is a well-documented phenomenon, there are some countries in which this tactic has been less researched. Vietnam, despite being one of the few other nominally communist countries in existence in the 21st century, and despite having a long intertwining history with its powerful northern neighbour, is one such country where there is a dearth of research into whether and how Chinese actors are seeking to gain influence among elites.

    This paper seeks to correct this gap in the research. It does so, firstly by analysing case studies of Chinese influence of elites in Southeast Asian countries that have moved into China’s sphere of influence. Through this, the research establishes patterns of behaviour, both on the part of the influencer and the influenced, which can be used to analyse the situation in the opaque realm of Vietnamese politics and business. From here, the research analyses several case studies of interactions between Chinese entities and Vietnamese figures in the fields of government, business, and state-owned enterprises. The research finds that there is considerable overlap in patterns of elite influence in the Southeast Asian case studies, and in the patterns of behaviour exhibited by potential purveyors and targets of influence in the Vietnamese context. Given the frequently fraught nature of the ties between these two countries, this paper hypothesises that ongoing Chinese influence of elites in Vietnam could have substantial ramifications for the Southeast Asian nation’s political stability in the future.
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