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    Title: 連鎖加盟公司數位轉型之個案研究
    A Case Research on the Digital Transformation of Franchise Management
    Authors: 賴威光
    Lai, Wei-Kuang
    Contributors: 邱奕嘉
    Lai, Wei-Kuang
    Keywords: 代理人理論
    Agency theory
    Service-Dominant Logic
    Digital transformation
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2022-03-01 18:16:50 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究透過對國內知名連鎖體系A公司的深度個案分析,由代理人理論、服務主導邏輯、以及數位轉型學術理論的角度切入,探索A公司在數位轉型的歷程中所面臨的問題、策略的應對,以及最終如何形成價值共創的環境,並創造出新的商業模式。具體而言,本研究欲探究之問題如下:
    1. 加盟體系數位轉型的歷程為何?主要的挑戰與關鍵為何?
    2. 數位科技對連鎖加盟體系帶來的助益與效用?
    3. 如何藉由數位轉型與服務主導邏輯,進行加盟體系的商業模式轉型?
    1. 企業數位轉型的階段,建議採取由內而外的導入與整合方式。數位轉型的挑戰主要來自於組織(包含總部與加盟主)是否具備數位科技導入所需之能力,以及企業高層的全力支持。
    2. 透過數位科技的導入與連結,可使三方(總部、加盟主、以及消費者)從中獲得不同的利益,改變傳統零和的競爭關係,並創造全新的價值共創模式。
    3. 藉由導入數位科技的過程中,並將傳統的產品主導邏輯,轉為以服務主導的經營思維,加盟總部的獲利模式可由傳統依賴加盟金與原物料的方式,改為提供品牌即服務(Brand as a Service)的全新經營模式。
    To investigate the challenges the SMEs faced and how they can successfully develop a new business model from the digital transformation, this research aims at doing a deep case analysis on a Taiwan famous franchise chain from different perspectives including agency theory, service dominant logic, and digital transformation literatures.
    Specifically, this research tries to answer the following questions:
    1. What’s the recommended path for a franchise chain to undergo the digital transformation? What are they key challenges and solutions?
    2. What are the advantages that digital technologies could bring to the franchise chain?
    3. How does a franchisor transform its business model through adopting service-dominant logic and undergoing digital transformation?
    To answer the above questions, three cases (franchisor digital technology implementation, franchisee technology implementation, and consumer technology implementation) were analyzed. A new franchise management framework has also been developed and the research has concluded as follows:
    1. It is recommended for a franchisor to approach digital transformation stage by stage and from inward to outward. The key challenge comes from whether the organization (both franchisor and franchisee) has sufficient ability to implement the digital technology. Support from the top management is also mandatory for all stages of digital transformation.
    2. By implementing appropriate digital technologies, it’s possible to achieve win-win for all three parties (franchisor, franchisees, and consumers), thereby co-creating new values.
    3. By shifting the management strategy from goods-dominant logic to service-dominant logic and leveraging various digital technologies, franchisor could develop a BaaS (Brand as a Service) business model. With the new BaaS business model, franchisor will rely less on the traditional source of profit such as the revenue from franchisee fee and the revenue generated from selling materials to franchisees.
    Lastly, this research also gives recommendations in hope to shed the light to Taiwan SMEs on the digital transformation path. Directions for the future research is also suggested.
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    Description: 博士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1053645021
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202200320
    Appears in Collections:[科技管理與智慧財產研究所] 學位論文

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