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Title: | 人工智慧發展與個人資料保護之風險管理模式:以資料保護影響評估為中心 Risk Management Approach of Artificial Intelligence and Data Protection: Focusing on Data Protection Impact Assessment |
Authors: | 林宛柔 Lin, Grace |
Contributors: | 宋皇志 林宛柔 Lin, Grace |
Keywords: | 人工智慧 資料保護影響評估 自動化決策系統 風險管理 資料驅動 Artificial Intelligence Data Protection Impact Assessment Automated-decision System Risk Management Data-driven |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-03-01 18:16:28 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 在數位經濟、科技日新月異的發展中,數據是此一世代的「新石油(new oil)」,數據可以驅動創新商業模式及服務,也是人工智慧學習、發展及運作的養分。多種樣態的數據,可能是描述客體運作性質的數據,也可能是人類行為特徵的數據,當數據用以作為剖析、預測或是指示的應用時,數據蒐集、處理、運用的正當性及關聯性顯得至關重要。人工智慧的開發及運用,仰賴鉅量數據的導入,透過訓練與學習,幫助人類更加精準及有效率的工作、生活,然而,因為人工智慧的學習與發展時常為「黑盒子(black box)」,導致人類質疑其所為之建議、指示的正當性及關聯性,也害怕人工智慧的發展是否有所歧視與偏頗。 針對這樣的趨勢,歐盟於2016年通過個人資料保護規則(General Data Protection Regulation),透過對於個人資料自主權及隱私權的賦權與保護,某種程度下平衡人工智慧、科技發展發展前端作業,數據資料蒐集、處理、使用過程中所可能致使的損害,其中,個人資料保護規則第35條所引進的資料保護影響評估(Data Protection Impact Assessments),更是組織企業在導入人工智慧的過程中,應特別注意執行涉及個人資料風險評估及保護措施的機制。 本文將著重於探討人工智慧發展下的資料保護影響評估,參考歐洲對於資料保護影響評估的做法,嘗試分析人工智慧所帶來的風險,是否可以使用風險管理工具處理,及使用風險管理工具的好處,並點出台灣相關法規範的缺口,希冀台灣法制上能在人工智慧的發展及運用與個人資料保護間取得一個平衡。 In the rapid development of digital economy and technology, data can inspire innovative business models and services, it is also the source for artificial intelligence to learn, develop, and operate. When data is used for artificial intelligence to profile, predict, or instruct, the legal ground for data collection, processing, and application is crucial. However, there are concerns about the learning and development of artificial intelligence as a "black box", causing human to question the legitimacy and relevance of recommendations and instructions made by artificial intelligence, and fear that bias and discrimination are imbedded in the decisions made by artificial intelligence. In response to digital era, European Union passed the General Data Protection Regulation in 2016. Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIA) was introduced in Article 35 of the Regulation to address the risks in the process of collecting, processing, and using personal data that may harm the fundamental rights of people. Evidently, this is one of the important mechanisms to identify risks and implement mitigation measures. This paper will focus on discussing Data Protection Impact Assessment under the concept of artificial intelligence development, as an attempt to introduce the risk management tool—DPIA, and to point out the notch in Taiwan laws and regulations, in the hope of regulating artificial intelligence that strikes a balance between technology development and personal data protection. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 科技管理與智慧財產研究所 108364210 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108364210 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202200324 |
Appears in Collections: | [科技管理與智慧財產研究所] 學位論文
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