題名: | 社工執行監調訪視之實務現況探討 —以雙北市為例 A Review of the Current Practice of Social Workers’ Visits for Custody and Adult Guardianship Evaluation: the Case of Taipei and New Taipei Cities |
作者: | 林妤柔 Lin, Yu-Jou |
貢獻者: | 蔡培元 Tsai, Pei-Yuen 林妤柔 Lin, Yu-Jou |
關鍵詞: | 監調社工 親權 成年監護 Adult guardianship evaluation Social worker Evaluation |
日期: | 2022 |
上傳時間: | 2022-03-01 17:56:13 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 本研究旨在探討執行親權與成年監護訪視調查的社工人員,在與其他體系的合作上,以及在實務工作上可能會遇到的議題、如何解決,以及對於現存的議題是否有什麼改善建議。本研究採質性研究,透過立意抽樣邀請1位法官、1位家事調查官、1位社政人員、8位監調社工,並以深度訪談方式進行資料蒐集。 本研究發現監調社工可能會與司法體系、社政體系,以及其他單位或個人,如個案的律師、社福單位、長照機構、醫療院所、學校單位、警政等體系有所互動,而在與不同體系的互動過程中,社工可能會遇到很多不同的議題。監調社工在與司法體系互動上,主要會遇到資訊提供、溝通聯繫,及訪視合作面三部分的議題;在與社政體系的互動上,主要會遇到委辦契約、轉發法院函文缺漏,及聯繫會議之目的未被落實的議題;而監調社工在執行實務工作時,則可能會遇到資料蒐集面向、評估面向、體制面向、人身安全面向等四個面向的議題。 綜合以上議題,在監調社工之體系合作面,本研究建議:(一)司法與社政部門能多了解監調訪視的流程與負責單位;(二)司法部門能建立統一的查詢案件進度系統;(三)定期舉辦親權及成年監護之相關講座;(四)社政部門能多促進社工、司法體系與其他部門的交流與合作。而在監調實務過程議題面,本研究建議:(一)評估面向:增加訪視資源與人力以及增加專業間的共訪;(二)體制面向:各單位間釐清監調業務之負責單位、將社工全國的評估表格統一規範、將成年監護的表格化繁為簡、以共訪的方式來增加社工與其他專業的交流、監調機構提供新進人員工作手冊、監調機構安排足夠的法律相關教育訓練;(三)人身安全面:法院對於高風險案件提供更詳細且完整的個案資訊、社政部門提供監調機構社工相關的心理輔導課程或聘用兼任心理輔導人員的補助費用、監調機構提升高風險案件的督導支持、增強與警政系統的聯繫網絡、提供監調社工充足的防身裝備、增派特殊案件或高風險案件的社工人力。 This study aims at discussing the issues that social workers may encounter when performing custody and adult guardianship evaluation visit pertaining to their cooperation with other systems and their practical work, and how they solve the problems, as well as improvement recommendations for the existing issues, if any. This is a qualitative study in which one judge, one family investigator, one social affair official, and eight custody and adult guardianship evaluation social workers were sampled through purposive sampling, and data were collected through in-depth interviews. It is found in this study that custody and adult guardianship evaluation social workers may have interaction with the judicial system, social affairs system, and many other systems including the lawyers responsible for the case, social welfare agencies, long-term care institutions, medical care institutions, schools, the police, etc. Social workers may come across various issues in their interaction with the different systems. In their interaction with the judicial system, custody evaluation social workers mainly deal with the threefold issues in relation to providing information, communication and liaison, cooperation on visits, while interaction with the social affairs system principally concerns issues about commissioning contracts, forwarding omitted court documents, and following up unfulfilled goals of a joint meeting. Custody and adult guardianship evaluation social workers may also face issues in four dimensions when carrying out their practical work – collection of information, evaluation, system, and personal safety. In summary, this study makes the following recommendations in terms of custody evaluation social workers’ cooperation with other systems: (1) Judiciary and social affairs departments enhance their understanding of the procedures of custody evaluation visit and the offices in charge of it; (2) judiciary department sets up a unified case inquiry system to track the progress of cases; (3) hold regular seminars related to custody and adult guardianship; and (4) social affairs department makes more effort to promote the communication and cooperation between social workers, the judicial system, and other departments. For issues pertaining to the practice of custody evaluation, the study makes the following recommendations: (1) In the evaluation dimension, increase visit-related resources and manpower and add co-visits by different professionals; make the parties concerned in a divorce participate in mandatory parenting lectures. (2) In the system dimension, each unit clarifies the custody evaluation work it is in charge of; standardize social worker’s evaluation form nation-wide; simplify the adult guardianship form; improve social workers’ communication with other professionals by means of co-visit; custody and adult guardianship evaluation agencies provide a job handbook for new hires; custody evaluation agencies arrange sufficient law and regulation-related education and training. (3) In the personal safety dimension, the court provides more detailed and comprehensive information about high-risk cases; social affairs department provides custody and adult guardianship evaluation agencies and social workers with related psychological counseling training or allowances for employing part-time psychological counselors; custody and adult guardianship evaluation agencies improve supervision support for high-risk cases; strengthen the connection network with the police system; provide custody and adult guardianship evaluation social workers with sufficient self-defense equipment; increase social work manpower for special or high-risk cases. |
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描述: | 碩士 國立政治大學 社會工作研究所 108264014 |
資料來源: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108264014 |
資料類型: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202200332 |
顯示於類別: | [社會工作研究所] 學位論文
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