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    Title: 金融科技對金融機構人力資源管理影響之探討
    A Study on the Impact of FinTech on Human Resouerce Management of Financial industry in Taiwan
    Authors: 戴若庭
    Dai, Ruo-Ting
    Contributors: 成之約
    Dai, Ruo-Ting
    Keywords: 金融科技
    Digital Transformation
    Human Resources Management
    Industrial Relations
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2022-03-01 17:41:44 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 金融科技所帶動的數位轉型,對於各國金融機構內部人力配置如組織重組裁撤或將人力轉調為不可避免之事項,故而衍伸出新型態的勞資爭議與法令型態。透過政府統計資料可得知我國金融業分行數與整體從業人數雖開始變化,但不劇烈,裁撤整併案例多好發於外商銀行。國外發展進程較早,已經逐漸面臨衍生之問題,有鑑於今日金融科技創新之研究著重於內部管理層面,對於人力資源、勞資關係鮮少著墨,因此本文經由探討國際組織、新加坡、英國之文獻回顧與整體訪談分析後,本文結論與建議如下:
    二、人力資源政策之變化:所有的變化皆希冀彌平資訊不對稱,因此「政策制定前蒐集員工心聲才能使措施有效益」(一)招募:對外主動及開拓新管道招募多元人才,對內重新定義人才需求,在招募過程中建議「履歷投遞方式適度鬆綁」增加人選投遞意願 (二)教育訓練:導入線上學習平台、舉辦線上教育訓練,需注意「企業內部教育訓練應注意訓練對象與時間分配」(三)薪酬福利:橫向參考同業、縱向參考外部顧問公司(四)員工體驗:入職時的員工服務與關懷、新人力資源政策發布時定期追蹤員工適應狀態。
    The digital transformation driven by FinTech has inevitably faced internal employees allocation in various countries financial institutions.
    The number of branches and employees going changed by government statistics, but it wasn’t intense and merger frequently occur in foreign bank. FinTech development in foreign countries is earlier, and it has gradually faced the derived problems. Since current FinTech issues rarely focus on human resources and industrial relations, this essay after overall interview analysis, research papers by International organizations, Singapore and United Kingdom. My conclusions and recommendations is down below:
    1. Decreased demand for tellers and increased demand for technical engineering:
    Labors can have "Keep learning and re-skilling" are the necessary capabilities of the new generation. "Human resources should pay attention to empathy and communication skills"
    2. Changes in human resources policies:
    All changes are aimed to balancing information asymmetry, so "collecting employees` opinions before policy formulation can make the measures effective" (1) Recruitment: Proative expanding recruitment funnel and redefine the demand for talents. "moderately loosening the mode of delivery of resumes" during the recruitment process to increase the willingness of candidates to submit. (2) training: Offer e-learning platform, and hold online training. These should noticed training objects and time " (3) Compensation and benefit: reference to peers, and external consulting companies. (4) Employee experience: Employee-oriented, tracking of employee adaptation status when the new policy is released.
    3. Applicability of labor regulations:
    "Government should establish a complete education and training system." when a specific position is replaced by FinTech. If you want to change jobs, you must comply with the "Five Principles of Transfer". When you are fired, you must comply with the "Last choice", and "whether employees can advocate voluntary dismissal" is also a interesting topic of discussion. when trade union deal with related issues, " conference staff should follow up digital transformation trends " and " continues union vertical integration "so that they can expand scales and fight for labor rights.
    At present, the legal system has no clear standards for the boundaries of employee data collection, "the protection of employees` privacy rights cannot be delayed". It’s important if we goals to industries one-stop service, "customer information security issues should be discussed in the long run".
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108262010
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202200248
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