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    Title: 傷害保險之高危險行為爭議案例研究
    The Study on Potentially Hazardous Activities in Personal Accident Insurance
    Authors: 張紜韶
    Chang, Yunshao
    Contributors: 葉啟洲
    Chang, Yunshao
    Keywords: 高危險行為
    Potentially hazardous activities
    Gross negligence
    Moral hazard
    Principle of utmost good faith
    Good faith
    Negligence offset
    Mutual negligence
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-03-01 17:36:19 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 以傷害保險承保範圍作為討論起點,「意外傷害」指因不可預料之意外事故而致人體上遭受傷害情形,如因車禍而造成腳踝骨折、外牆磁磚掉落砸到頭部受傷、打球地面溼滑跌倒而鼻骨斷裂等。因意外而致使身體傷亡層出不窮,但其意外之發生可分為,來自於被保險人、他人、自然界,或來自於被保險人本身時,須非為被保險人之故意自我傷害或自願受傷害,亦即須因被保險人過失所致,始足當之。而來自於他人之侵害、或自然界之侵害所致之身體損傷,對被保險人而言,係屬不可預料性質,亦即均屬意外。
    Taking the coverage of personal accident insurance as the starting point for discussion, “accidental injury” refers to the situation of personal body injury caused by unforeseen accidents, such as ankle fractures caused by car accidents, external wall tiles falling and hitting the head injured, playing balls on the slippery ground and falling to nose bone fractured, etc. Even though the accidents that cause innumerable physical injuries or death, the causes of the occurrences of accident could be divided into many reasons. It may be attributed to the insured, third parties or nature. When it is attributed to the insured himself, the reasons for the bodily injury or death shall not be caused by the insured’s deliberate self-harm or voluntary injury. It means that the cause of reason for the insured’s bodily injury or death shall be attributed to, one and only, the negligence of the insured. On the contrary, the bodily injuries or death caused by third parties or natural disasters are unforeseeable to the insured and it shall be referred to the accidents.
    The insured`s potentially hazardous activities or behaviors are often classified as being attributed to the insured’s gross negligence or deliberate acts which would be excluded from the coverage of personal accident insurance or exempted insurer’s liability from violating the principle of utmost good faith. If there is any difference when determining whether the reason is caused by an accident or insured’s potentially hazardous activities and/or behaviors? In addition, when the insurer is liable for paying insurance settlement and/or compensation to the insured’s accidental injury, disability or death, whether the consideration is satisfied or not? All of these shall not violate the principles of insurance.
    By way of searching for the different potentially hazardous activities or cases, or the insured engaged in the potentially hazardous activities which convinced the insurer of moral hazard caused the accidents occurred intentionally and it leads to the insurer being not responsible for paying the settlement or compensation due to insured’s willful misconduct. It is because the insured violated the most important insurance principle of utmost good faith. In practical, insurance business decisions might not consistent with the judgments of courts. As a result, if the insureds who truly suffered losses caused by gross negligence and failed being treated fairly by insurers can be treated fairly and to give relief. Even more, the Insurance Law does not provide clearly the effects of laws for the insured`s violation of gross negligence, this thesis tries to make it clear to distinguish the differences of the effects of laws between the insured’s violation of gross negligence in law and the moral hazard in breaking the principle of utmost good faith.
    This thesis is completed through the study method of induction and deduction by collecting court’s cases to case study for the differences to induct as numbers of different type of cases and make a deduction for identifying the differences between the insured’s violation of gross negligence in law and the moral hazard by intentionally breaking the principle of utmost good faith.
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    四、 相關網站
    1. 中華民國人壽保險商業同業公會-保險相關法規查詢系統
    2. 中華民國產物保險商業同業公會
    3. 月旦法學知識庫
    4. 司法院法學資料檢索系統
    5. 立法院法律系統
    6. 立法院議案查詢
    7. 法源法律網
    8. 金融監督管理委員會主管法規查詢系統
    9. 政大圖書資訊
    10. 臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統
    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106961038
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202200224
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