题名: | 「僅僅」的限定性與主觀性:以語料庫為本 The Restrictiveness and Subjectivity of Jǐnjǐn: A Corpus-based Study |
作者: | 林昕柔 Lin, Hsin-Jou |
贡献者: | 鍾曉芳 Chung, Siaw-Fong 林昕柔 Lin, Hsin-Jou |
关键词: | 僅僅 範圍副詞 語料庫 語意側重 限定性 主觀性 Jǐnjǐn Scope-adverb Restrictiveness Subjectivity Profiling Corpus |
日期: | 2022 |
上传时间: | 2022-03-01 17:15:32 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 在華語文教學領域中,「僅僅」為高階程度的詞語,但字辭典卻只以近義詞定義「僅僅」,也鮮少著墨該副詞的限定功能及主觀性、提供詳細說明。在漢語語言學的文獻中,「僅僅」的相關研究並不多,大多被視為可限定事物範圍的副詞,但語料庫顯示除了限定功能外「僅僅」也能表達說話者的主觀想法。 因此,為研究「僅僅」的限定性與主觀性,本研究首先在第一階段透過《中研院平衡語料庫4.0》蒐集語料,先針對「僅僅」的句法結構及限定範圍進行分析,再探討「僅僅」所顯示的說話者預期與事件結果的關係。第二階段為問卷測驗,基於語料庫研究的結果設計問卷、招募華語母語者受測,筆者藉由測驗結果支持本文的語料庫研究結果,進一步探討「僅僅」的預期機制。最後,本研究以「僅僅」的語意側重(profile)呈現該副詞的限定性與主觀性。 本文的研究結果顯示:在限定性層面,「僅僅」的限定範圍可分為五類:事件、事物、動作行為、數量、數值;「僅僅」具有兩種限定功能:「數字類」及「多類—一類」。在主觀性層面,說話者大多以「僅僅」表達事件結果低於自身預期,但在前、後句涉及數字概念的複句中「僅僅」卻能顯示事件結果低於、高於說話者預期。語意側重能呈現「僅僅」發揮限定功能的方式以及說話者預期的過程。本研究的成果能供華語文教學參考,補足漢語語言學詞彙研究的缺口,並為漢語具主觀性之副詞研究給予貢獻。 Jǐnjǐn is a Chinese scope-adverb, meaning only or merely; it is a high-difficulty word in CSL (Chinese as a Second Language) for learners. However, jǐnjǐn is often defined by its near-synonyms in dictionaries and rarely discussed as a main topic in Chinese linguistics. Some corpus data showed that jǐnjǐn was used to restrict grammatical components and display speakers’ evaluations. Therefore, this study probes into the restrictiveness and subjectivity of jǐnjǐn with the data collected from Academia Sinica Balanced Corpus of Modern Chinese and with questionnaires. The results of this study are as follows: jǐnjǐn has restrictive functions, used to restrict a specific (1) number/numerical value and (2) type. The relationship between the actual outcome and the speaker’s expectation can be inferred from the use of jǐnjǐn. Jǐnjǐn generally shows that the expected value is higher than the actual one; however, it may show two different expectations when the clauses of a complex sentence refer to numbers. One of the expected values is higher than the actual one while another is the opposite. The restrictiveness and subjectivity of jǐnjǐn was also explained by analyzing its profiling. It is expected that this research should not only contribute to CSL teaching and lexicography but provide empirical evidence to conduct further research on the restrictiveness and subjectivity of Chinese scope-adverbs. |
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描述: | 碩士 國立政治大學 華語文教學碩博士學位學程 107161009 |
資料來源: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107161009 |
数据类型: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202200336 |
显示于类别: | [華語文教學博/碩士學位學程] 學位論文
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