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    Title: 長照居家照護機構經營策略之研究: 以荷蘭B機構為參考模型
    Business Strategy of Home Care Organization: A Case Study of B Organization in Netherland
    Authors: 陳婉瑜
    Chen, Wan-Yu
    Contributors: 詹文男

    Tsan, Wen-Nan
    Shang, Shiaw-Chun

    Chen, Wan-Yu
    Keywords: 長照
    Long-term care
    Home care
    Business strategy
    Competitive advantage
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-03-01 16:58:28 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著時代科技進步,世界各國皆正在經歷老化人口規模增加及老化人口比例上升的情況。人口分布高齡化現象在已開發或開發中的富裕國家更是明顯,老化帶來的各種失能問題,造成各國皆面臨長期照護需求大增,但長照人力又難以涵蓋失能人口上升的速度,因此形成照顧人力的缺口。
    With the progress of science and technology, the world is experiencing a phenomenon of increased elderly population and proportion. It is even more obvious in developing or developed rich countries. The disabilities derived from aging society has caused the rising demand for long term care. However the long term care workforce is unable to keep pace with the growth of the rising disability population, which result to a workforce gap.
    Taiwan and the Netherlands are similar in both its sizes and aging population. A home care organization in the Netherlands has attracted tens of thousands of nursing staff to participate in less than 10 years, which now owns the largest market share in the Netherlands and serves as a paradigm to the long term care institutes over the world. This study uses a single case study method of qualitative research. We access the macro-environment and competitive influence factors in the market via PEST and Five-foeces analysis. Add the management challenges of long-term care industry. Then focus on the benchmark case to alalyze the organization’s business strategy form strategic posture approach. Finally, we present a series of recommendations to the business strategy of long-term care institutions.
    The result shows the competitive advantages of the organization comes from its internal resource premises and driven their advantages of business strategy. These shapes innovation, efficiency, quality and respond to customers. Therefore build up its capability in financial savings comparres to other organization. And create cost leading (from experience curve) and differentiation (from value creation to customers and difficult to imitation) strategy. Eventually raise it profitability and performance ranked as No. 1.
    From the perspective of the overall social environment, the government’s policy making in long term care also affects the industry development. Though this thesis is limited due to the different long term care policy of the Dutch government and Taiwan, it is still possible to boost industry development by value creation to customers and experience curve to creat differentiation and cost leading strategy. In addition, technology can also be used in building resource integration and efficiency improvement. The capabilities of respond to customers and integration can also create the intangible assets to long-term care workers to build up customer royalty and good reputation. Ultimately, these strengths help organiations create a positive cycle of competitive advantage.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108932186
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202200166
    Appears in Collections:[經營管理碩士學程EMBA] 學位論文

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