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    Title: 以B型企業架構探討食物藥局商業模式
    Exploring the Business Model of Food Pharmacy with Benefit Corporation Structure
    Authors: 李禹妡
    Lee, Yu-Hsin
    Contributors: 鄭至甫
    Jeng, Jyh-Fu
    Lee, Yu-Hsin
    Keywords: B型企業
    B benefit corporation
    Business model canvas
    Food as medicine
    Food pharmacy
    Food prescription
    Nutrition consultation
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2022-03-01 16:58:10 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著老年化人口,慢性病患者數逐漸攀升,根據健保署109年統計台灣慢性病醫療費用占率已從民國99年的39.9%攀升到109年的47.9%,當中很多慢性病都是因營養不均衡所引起,進而造成健保沉重的負擔。全民健康保險預算也是年年增加,110年度健保總額更是大舉突破7,800億,由於台灣在醫療支出的比重上向來是治療大於預防,再加上健保的便利性,國人普遍健康識能不足,缺乏自我健康照護之意識,導致慢性疾病的發生率與盛行率近年來是有增無減。

    引發慢性疾病的原因有許多,但大多的慢性疾病是可以透過正確的飲食,達到預防或病程控制以及疾病逆轉。根據國健署資料統計2009-2018年18歲以上成人過重與肥胖盛行率高達43.9%,其中男性比例為55.1%,女性則有32.5%(林惠琴,2020)。此外「102-105年國民營養健康狀況變遷調查」也指出7-12 歲的兒童及青少年期過重加上肥胖的盛行率亦高達 24.3-28.4%。與其他亞洲國家相比,我國成人及兒童肥胖比率更是為亞洲之冠。肥胖與過重問題正是引起三高,俗稱代謝症候群的主因之一,若不適時早期預防,早期治療,將導致高血壓與心血管疾病人口不斷攀升。

    美國近年興一種創新照護模式,由Geisinger Health提出「食物藥局」的概念Fresh Food Farmacy Plan(FFF),由醫師為糖尿病患者開立食材處方箋,病患可持處方箋至指定商店免費領取新鮮蔬食;除此之外,由醫師、營養師、護理師、藥劑師、健康照護師等所組成的專業諮詢團隊將全程作為病人最佳後援,給予其正確的自我照護知識,用藥知識及健康識能等。該計畫自2016年6月開始推行迄今已為美國4,828家庭提供超過76,000頓餐食。截至目前為止FFF計畫已有顯著成效,參加該計畫的患者在體重、血壓、三酸甘油脂及膽固醇的測量結果取得了顯著效果。據統計患者連續參加計畫18個月後,大幅降低死亡或併發症風險至40%,糖尿病用藥量平均降低0.5-1.2%,至今FFF已協助患者節省了近 150 萬美元的醫療保健費用。


    With the aging population, the number of patients with chronic diseases has gradually increased. According to the statistics of the National Health Insurance Administrative (NHIA) in 2020, medical expenses for chronic diseases in Taiwan has risen from 39.9% in 2010 to 47.9% in 2020. Many chronic diseases are caused by malnutrition, and the chronic diseases have become a huge burden to healthcare system. The NHI budget is also increasing year by year, the total NHI global budget has greatly exceeded 780 billion in 2021. Due to the Taiwan’s healthcare system is more focusing on treatment rather than prevention, coupled with the convenience of healthcare system, the general health awareness of the public is insufficient. Lack of self-care awareness has caused the incidence and prevalence of chronic diseases to increase in recent years.

    There are many causes of chronic diseases, yet many of these chronic diseases are preventable or be controlled and be reversed by a balanced diet. According to statistics from the NHIA, the prevalence rate of overweight and obesity among Taiwanese adults over 18 years old from 2009 to 2018 was as high as 43.9%, of which 55.1% were males and 32.5% were females (Lin, 2020). The "Nutrition and Health Survey in Taiwan in 2013-2016" also pointed out that the prevalence of overweight and obesity in children and adolescents between 7-12 years old is also as high as 24.3-28.4%. Compared with other Asian countries, Taiwan has the highest obesity rate among Asia countries. Obesity and overweight are one of the main causes of metabolic syndrome. If it is not treated as soon as possible, the population of hypertension and cardiovascular disease will continue to increase.

    The prevention-focused diet has been proved as a cost-effective model comparing with the traditional medicine therapy and which can have a major beneficial impact on health. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to analyze and understand the successful models that have been run abroad and to propose a business model to introduce to the Taiwan market.

    Since the healthcare sector is defined as a non-profit organization in Taiwan, and a single-payer healthcare system as well. Under the Taiwan National Health Insurance system, nutritional consultation service is not the priority focusing, so that the reimbursement scope is also limited. Hence, promoting the Food is Medicine / Food Pharmacy concept to Taiwan, it has to consider its business model and profitability. The B Corporations are a new business concept that balance purpose and profit based on three core value – Profit for Good, Fair Trade and Social Justice. This is undoubtedly providing disrupting thinking for the healthcare sector. Pursuing maximum corporate profit does not conflict with the social and environmental problems of solving public interests at all. On the contrary, only maximizing profits can support the company`s development sustainability. The United States currently implements related "food therapy" programs, which have proven to be the most cost-effective care model, especially in the early stages of disease and prevention, and has successfully constructed an innovative and stable healthcare business model.
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