题名: | 資通訊數位科技應用於長照機構營運之探討 Study on the application of ICT( Information and communication technology) in the operation of residential long-term care institutions |
作者: | 卓世傑 Cho, Shih-Chien |
贡献者: | 詹文男 卓世傑 Cho, Shih-Chien |
关键词: | 資通訊數位科技 長照機構 ICT Residential long-term care institutions |
日期: | 2022 |
上传时间: | 2022-03-01 16:48:22 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 隨著台灣面臨人口老化的衝擊,預計2026年老年人口將超過20%正式邁入「超高齡社會」,伴隨著少子化的趨勢,可預期醫護及照顧人力短缺,雖然我國政府於2007年推行長照十年計畫,並於2017年繼續推行長照十年計畫2.0,希望落實在地老化的政策目標,建構以社區為基礎之整合式服務體系,但在推行多年後,政府相關單位也意識到要以社區為基礎之長照模式有其至礙難行之處,因為處於中間世代的族群多為雙薪家庭,沒有辦法兼顧工作及照顧長者。因此,長照機構在長照體系中還是扮演一個重要角色,但隨著少子化,可預期醫護及照顧人力短缺,這將是這些長照機構營運上所面對的挑戰。 但隨著資通訊科技的進步,這些穿戴式裝置、遠距醫療與照護等科技也漸普及,本研究進行相關文獻蒐集以了解目前的現況及未來發展趨勢,另外,透過3位專家訪談廣徵專家建議,最後整合相關資訊後,提出資通訊科技應用於長照機構營運之建議。 綜合資料後,研究者本身認為這是一個可實現的願景,如果要達到這願景,研究者認為必須從三個面向著手: 1. 政策面: 法規鬆綁、長照產業化 2. 照護員培訓面: 置入福祉科技於培訓課程及智慧長照示範機構見習 3. 高齡被照顧者面: 提升數位科技學習力 As Taiwan faces the impact of an aging population, it is estimated that more than 20% of the elderly population will formally enter the "super-aged society" in 2026. With the trend of declining birthrates, shortages of medical and nursing manpower can be expected. Taiwan government rolled out 10-year long-term care plan 1.0 in 2007, and continue to implement the 10-year long-term care plan 2.0 in 2017, we hope to implement the local aging policy goals and build an integrated community based service system. However, after many years of implementation, government reviewed the implementation result and realize that the community based long-term care model has its limitations, because most of the ethnic groups in the middle generation are double-paid families, and there is no way to take care of the work and the elderly. Therefore, long-term care institutions still play an important role in the long-term care system. However, with the declining birthrate, shortage of medical and nursing manpower can be expected. This will be a challenge for the operation of these long-term care institutions. With the advancement of information and communication technology, wearable devices, telemedicine care technologies have gradually become popular. This research conducts relevant literature collection to understand the current status and future development trends. In addition, through 3 expert interviews experts suggest that after the final integration of relevant information, suggestions on the application of information and communication technology to the operation of long-term care institutions are put forward. After synthesizing the information, the researcher himself believes that this is an achievable vision. If this vision is to be achieved, the researcher believes that it must proceed from three aspects: 1. Policy: loosening of laws and regulations, industrialization of long-term care 2. Caregiver training area: Put Welfare Technology in training courses and apprenticeships in smart long-term care demonstration institutions 3. Elderly: care recipients: Enhance the learning ability of digital technology |
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描述: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 107932185 |
資料來源: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107932185 |
数据类型: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202200139 |
显示于类别: | [經營管理碩士學程EMBA] 學位論文
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