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Title: | 總統與推特外交─以蔡英文推特運用為例 President and Twiplomacy: How President Tsai Ing-wen use Twitter for diplomacy |
Authors: | 孔彥蓉 Kung, Yen-Jung |
Contributors: | 蘇蘅 孔彥蓉 Kung, Yen-Jung |
Keywords: | 蔡英文 公眾外交 推特外交 推特 社交媒體 Tsai Ing-wen Public diplomacy Twiplomacy Twitter Social media |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-03-01 16:35:37 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 各國領袖利用推特實踐公眾外交越來越頻繁,本研究以總統蔡英文的推特為研究對象,蒐集其2020年3月26日至2020年12月31日的推文共計407則進行內容分析,並對經營團隊進行深度訪談,藉此解析蔡英文如何透過推特經營進行公眾外交,包括展現什麼外交議題、發展哪些外交關係,以及用哪些推特科技特性來進行操作。 本研究發現,蔡英文推特所建立的國家及區域關係,遠遠超過台灣邦交國數量,其中尤其重視美國、日本以及歐盟中與台灣民主政體理念相同的國家,有助於建立國際盟友。蔡英文的經營團隊更利用推特科技特性,搭配線上線下活動與蔡英文公私領域的形象,讓推文操作更加靈活並擴大傳播效益。研究最後也提出對於未來不同領袖或政府機關使用推特外交的建議。 World leaders increasingly use Twitter as a form of diplomacy. The research explores 407 tweets from the Twitter of President Tsai Ing-wen, starting from March 26, 2020 to December 31, 2020. The research methods for the the subject are content analysis and in-depth interviews with management team. The study analyzes how President Tsai Ing-wen conducts public diplomacy through Twitter, including which diplomatic issues to show, which diplomatic relations to develop, and which Twitter technology features to operate. By using Twitter, Tsai Ing-wen`s team has established and promoted public diplomatic relations with important countries far exceed the number of the country with diplomatic relations of Taiwan. The findings demonstrate that the relationship between United States, Japan, and countries in the European Union that share the same democratic ideology as Taiwan`s, can become international allies. Tsai Ing-wen`s Twitter management team also make use of Twitter`s technological features, with online and offline activities to build Tsai Ing-wen`s public images. This indicates Twitter’s interface design can make tweet operations more flexible and accelerate social network effects. As a result, Twitter diplomacy can help manage the risk of irrational tweets. The author also recommends strategies for using Twitter diplomacy by public officials or government leaders in the future. |
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