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    Title: 數位新聞產製探析:新聞設計者的想像與實踐
    Digital News Design Research: News Designer’s Imagination and Practice
    Authors: 許瑋琳
    Hsu, Wei-Lin
    Contributors: 蘇蘅
    SU, Herng
    Hsu, Wei-Lin
    Keywords: 新聞設計者
    news designer
    news design
    news production
    Design Thinking
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-03-01 16:34:34 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著科技進展,新聞媒體已經進入了一個強調視覺、設計與體驗的說故事時代,開始招攬不同的設計與科技人才加入新聞室,朝向更視覺化的新聞室經營。



    With the rapid development of technology, news media has entered a new era for storytelling. A great newsroom has started to emphasize vision, design, and user experience, which attracts talented designers and technical engineers to join. The operation of the newsroom became more and more visualized.

    By interviewing with different team members in the newsrooms in Taiwan and the United States, this study describes how designers influence the news production by using their design thinking and professional skill. This study also describes the role of designers in the newsroom and how they cooperate with other team members and the challenges they’re encountering.

    This study found that contemporary news designers have reinterpreted the meaning of the design job in the newsroom. These designers come from diverse backgrounds and their motivation to join the newsroom are different. This study also observed that the designer’s job functions are different between Taiwan and the USA. In the US, they’re more esteemed in the profession of these designers. In order to design an outstanding digital news, the news designers should implement the readers-centered thinking. The great designer must know how to integrate resources, evaluate the feasibility for different technology, and construct the consensus among the newsroom. They’re sensitive to the worldwide trending and laser-focused in their projects. Nowadays, there are too many digital platforms in the multimedia– computers, tablets, and smartphones, how to perform great digital narratives and know the readers’ behaviors among these platforms become significantly important. In addition, this study also found designers not only focus on design but also act as the gatekeepers for fact-checking in news. They’re protecting the essence of news production.

    Finally, this study also found that the designer is still a new role in the digital newsroom, the news designers must keep learning along with the rapid technology evolution. How to long-termly keep these talented designers in the newsroom became an important topic for the future.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108941001
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202200318
    Appears in Collections:[EMA Program in Communication] Theses

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