題名: | 新冠肺炎疫情下媒體如何再現移工樣貌 The Media Representation of The Migrant Workers’ Image during the COVID-19 |
作者: | 吳玟誼 Wu, Wen-Yi |
貢獻者: | 黃葳威 Huang, Wei-Wei 吳玟誼 Wu, Wen-Yi |
關鍵詞: | 移工 新聞報導 新冠肺炎 批判論述分析 媒體再現 Migrant workers News report COVID-19 Critical discourse analysis Media representation |
日期: | 2022 |
上傳時間: | 2022-02-10 13:25:59 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 2019年年底爆發新冠肺炎(COVID-19),對全世界影響甚鉅,臺灣也不例外。在如此重大事件發生之時,新聞媒體傳遞的疫情資訊尤為重要。本文試圖探討新冠肺炎疫情下,新聞媒體所建構出的移工樣貌,從文本的論述層面看到背後的意識型態及整體社會脈絡。本研究採用「批判論述分析法」,分析對象為「商業媒體(蘋果日報、中國時報、自由時報、聯合報)」和「獨立媒體(報導者、苦勞網、四方報、關鍵評論網)」,並採用Fairclough的論述分析架構,分別是社會事件(social events)、社會實踐(social practices)、社會結構(social structures),以此來進行分析,理蘊出移工樣貌如何被建構,及背後依循的整體脈絡。
本研究針對2021年臺灣本土疫情中,與移工有關的最大規模群聚感染事件–「苗栗電子廠群聚案」進行分析。研究結果發現,這場疫情之下,移工在新聞報導中的樣貌,從原本「負面」的形象,逐漸轉為「中立」的形象;從原本被刻意劃分為「次等的他者」,到最後「他者」與「我者」之間的界線逐漸被模糊化。本研究結果亦發現,不同時期、不同媒體的論述也各有其特色,分別是前期的(一)防疫優先論述和(二)潛藏歧視論述,以及後期的(三)多元文化主義論述。 The outbreak of COVID-19 at the end of 2019 has had a dramatic impact on the world, and Taiwan is no exception. When a major incident occurs, the epidemic information delivered by news media is particularly important. The purpose of this study was to explore the image of migrant workers constructed by the news media during the COVID-19 and to realize the ideology and social context behind the discourse in the text. The research method of this study is critical discourse analysis, and this study analyzes media reporting of the "Commercial media (Apple Daily, China Times, Liberty Times, United Daily News)" and "Independent media (Reporter, Coolloud, 4-Way News, The News Lens)". This study adopts Fairclough`s discourse framework, which is social events, social practices, and social structures, to analyze how the image of migrant workers is constructed and the contextualization behind it.
This study analyzes the case-"Electronics Factory cluster case in the Miaoli county", the largest cluster infection event related to migrant workers in the local epidemic in Taiwan in 2021. The results show that the image of migrant workers in news reports gradually changed from "negative" to "neutral", and from the original intentionally classified as "inferior other", to the boundary between "the Other" and "We" was gradually blurred. In addition, this study results show that the discourse of different periods and different media also had their characteristics, which were (1) priority of epidemic prevention (2) latent discrimination in the early discourse, and (3) multiculturalism in the late discourse. |
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描述: | 碩士 國立政治大學 傳播學院傳播碩士學位學程 108464001 |
資料來源: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108464001 |
資料類型: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202200116 |
顯示於類別: | [傳播學院傳播碩士學位學程] 學位論文
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